ToK Subject Report "at glance".

My aim was to distill the May 22 ToK subject report down to only one page. I wanted to create the "Subject Report at a glance". I then realised that it made more sense to have one page for The Essay, and one page for The Exhibition.

In the May 22 ToK Subject Report the section on the Essay is rather succinct. Earlier Subject Reports contain most of what needs to be said about the ToK Essay. The analysis of the Prescribed Titles gives us an interesting insight into how the examiners interpret the questions, but it is fairly question specific.

The section on The Exhibition is the really interesting part of the May 22 ToK Subject Report. Obviously, this is the first report with details about The Exhibition. It helps us to start to firm up many of the questions that we had earlier.

We get much clearer guidance on issues such as the appropriateness of objects, what constitutes justification, and what is evidence. The point that I made earlier about students having 3 different arguments (1 per object) seems to have been agreed in the report.

To be honest, it's very difficult to distill into one page.

I would strongly recommend that every ToK Teacher read the section on The Exhibition in the original form.

However, I completed my 'at a glance' versions as aide memoir. They could be useful to share with your students.

Get your ToK Subject Report infogram (PDF Version) at this link (it's free).

If you have any questions, or thoughts, about the May 22 ToK Subject Report please leave them in the comments below, or email me at

Check out the pre-subject report video that I made on The ToK Exhibition here, a post-subject report video will be coming out soon.

Have a great day!
Lisbon, October 22


Replicability: Essay 1 May 23


How do I Write Claims & Counterclaims in ToK Essay?