Essay Guidance Notes
The notes are a replication of the sort of advice & feedback that ToK teachers will give to their students.
The guidance notes are not an essay which can be copied, they are a set of arguments which can be adapted & developed for use in the essay.
The notes are a collection of suggestions for ways in which the essay can be approached. As such they contain many knowledge arguments, real life situations, evaluation points and implications of arguments.
Students can use the notes as a guide for how to structure their essay, the types of knowledge arguments that could be used in the essay, and the type of evaluation points that may arise from those knowledge arguments.
As such the guidance notes don’t form one coherent essay. Each set of notes is over 5,600 words long, and are therefore far too long to be used as one ToK Essay.
Of course, if a student were to copy and paste the notes into their ToK Essay this may get picked up by plagiarism detection software (eg Turnitin.com), and therefore we strongly advise against doing so.
using the notes
is Not plagiarism
if you use them as guidance, just as you would use a ToK textbook, or advice from your ToK teacher.
How do I receive the notes?
The notes are available for download as a PDF immediately following payment. If you have any problems downloading the notes please email Daniel@ToKToday immediately.
Can I see a sample of the notes?
There are short samples of the notes on the individual notes store pages. You can also see earlier guidance notes that I wrote on the ToKTrump site. However the ToKToday notes are far more detailed than those written on ToKTrump. short samples ToKTrump site
Is this a ‘scam’?
The notes are real, they have been written by experienced ToK teachers and examiners. They are a development of explorations of the ToK questions that have been written and published on the ToKTrump site for many years.
ToKTrump site
what if i don’t understand the notes?
If there are parts of the notes that you don’t understand you can email Daniel@ToKToday.com to ask for further clarification. As a customer you have priority access to free support regarding the notes.
Is this better than paying for an essay from an essay mill?
Buying an essay is a contravention of IB’s requirements for Academic Integrity and Academic Honesty. There is a very high probability that a ‘paid for’ essay will be picked up either by your school’s anti-plagiarism software, or by the IB’s plagiarism software.
There is no guarantee that a ‘paid for’ essay is actually original (despite what the companies say). The risk to your Diploma, and academic career, is very high if you were to buy an essay.
The TokToday Guidance notes require you to use your knowledge and skills learned in ToK to write your own essay. They are a focused extension of your textbook, and supplement advice given by your teacher.
Check out the video i made about essay mills

are the notes actually useful?
Since the Guidance Notes were launched on ToKToday in October 2022 they have been bought by many hundreds of students. We are yet to receive any negative feedback, and have received a lot of positive feedback.
Many students have told us that the notes made the question clearer for them, gave them new ideas as to how to approach the questions, and really helped them to construct their essay.
Please email Daniel@ToKToday.com,
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