ToK Exhibition - what do we know Feb 23?

In Feb 2023 IB posted 10 new Exemplars of ToK Exhibitions. I've closely analysed them to see if we can learn anything new from them, or if they further confirm things that we already know. I have summarised the main findings in the table linked below.

What we Know - Exhibition Feb 23

3 key findings:

  1. Specificity of objects, and specificity of knowledge links between the objects & the IA prompt are key to doing well.

  2. Three perspectives / arguments is key to developing the specificity required in the link and justification for inclusion of the object.

  3. There's still some ambiguity as to whether objects symbolising knowledge / meaning / culture are allowed.

There are many other findings, clarifications and confirmations in the document - check it out.

If you have any thoughts, or corrections, I'd love to hear them in the comments below.

Have a great day,
Daniel, Lisbon, Feb 23

Further information on The ToK Exhibition can be found at:

What are the examiners thinking?


ToK Exhibition Commentary - what counts as knowledge ?


Ethics & Technology.