How do I get an A in the ToK Exhibition?

This is Exhibition Mini Series blog 4/4

So you want to get an A in the ToK Exhibition ?

Well, first up- you can’t get an A, it’s marked out of 10, so you could get 9 or 10/10, which would be like getting an A - pedantic, I know !

If we look at the IB marking scheme for the ToK Exhibition in the 9-10 mark band (the 'A' Band) it says:

“There is a strong justification of the particular contribution that each individual object makes to the Exhibition”

IB ToK Exhibition Assessment Instrument

What does that even mean ? Particularly after you have linked the object to the prompt, and explained how the object demonstrates the prompt. How are you then meant to justify the inclusion of that particular object, it seems like it’s just a repeat of the points made earlier. 

Does the May 2022 Subject Report explain this better ?

Well let’s look at the oracle of ToK knowledge (The Subject Report) to find out what the examiners are looking for.

The Subject Report is the report written by the ToK examiners after each exam session, it has the “inside track” on what the examiners are looking for, it’s super useful, and it's an open document that students should read..,

The May 2022 Subject Report says:

Some candidates seemed unsure about what to write for the justification (of the object) and a few may have thought  of this aspect as being more difficult than it really is. The justification requires no more than to express what each  object uniquely brings or adds to the discussion. It is not justifying the points made but why that object is interesting for the exhibition.

IB ToK Subject Report May 2022

OK - but that’s sort of what we’ve already done when we explained the link between the object and the prompt. 

Does the November 2022 Subject Report explain this better ?

The November 2022 report says:

Consideration of the contribution that the object makes to the  exhibition lies at the heart of the Exhibition task. It is at this point that the candidate has an opportunity to maintain the connection with the knowledge that the object illustrates and the specifics of the prompt. Candidates must remember that they need to explain why their particular object helps unpack or illustrate some interesting point  in relation to the prompt which is what is meant by a justification of the “particular” contribution each object makes.

IB ToK Subject Report Nov 2022

Is that any clearer than the May 2022 report ?, maybe not. 

But, don’t give up hope because I have a solution for you. This is a solution that my students have used, and it works.

Looking back at the marking scheme, and the Nov 22 Subject Report, there’s a word that provides a clue as to what they’re looking for. That word is “particular”, they want to know the “particular” contribution of this “particular” object, i.e different from the other 2 objects. This is what they’re calling “justification”

How do I make objects 'particular' ?

I recommend that you write 3 knowledge claims BEFORE you choose your objects, 1 knowledge claim for each object.

A knowledge claim is just a perspective on the prompt.

Let's apply this to an example.

Let’s take the prompt Who Owns Knowledge ? Now, we can have 3 perspective (or “knowledge Claims” on this prompt:

  • Knowledge Claim 1: Knowledge Producers own knowledge.

  • Knowledge Claim 2: Knowers own knowledge.

  • Knowledge Claim 3: The context ‘owns’ knowledge.

Now that we have 3 knowledge claims we can identify a specific object for each.


My object for knowledge claim 1 (that the knowledge producer owns knowledge) is Jimi Hendrix. It can be argued that he owns the knowledge (his music) that he produced.

An object for knowledge claim 2 that the knower owns knowledge is The Jimi Hendrix Fan Club. This knowledge community celebrates and promotes Jimi’s music, and therefore we can argue that they own it.

The object for knowledge claim 3 that the context owns music is The Woodstock Festival. This festival was held in Woodstock New York, 18th August 1969. Jimi’s performance at this festival not only symbolised his career and fame, but now symbolises the 1960’s. It is argued that the context of this festival owns the knowledge of Jimi Hendrix’s music.

And so, there we have it. 3 specific objects that make 3 different & therefore particular contributions to the exhibition. The justification for their inclusion is in their particular contributions.

I’ll have 10/10 please Mr or Ms Examiner!


If you need more help with your Exhibition we have lots of resources available at this link. This includes the very popular e-book Every ToK Exhibition Prompt Explained.


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Do the objects need to be personal ?