The Little Prince and ToK: Unraveling ToK in a Masterpiece.

A while ago, I shared my top 5 ToK books and notably, my number one pick was Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's "The Little Prince". This raised some eyebrows among readers who found the choice unexpected, struggling to see a link between "The Little Prince" and ToK. Today, we will delve into this enchanting story and draw out its intricate web of ToK connections.

The Little Prince: An Unusual ToK Resource

The choice of "The Little Prince" as a primary ToK resource is twofold. Firstly, it's an engaging story that, on the surface, doesn't seem complex nor philosophical. This simplicity makes it accessible to everyone. Secondly, it introduces the fundamental concepts of ToK by fostering an emotional bond with the reader.

Getting to Know The Little Prince

If you're unfamiliar with "The Little Prince", it's readily available online and is a rather short read. Alternatively, you can listen to Kenneth Branagh narrate it on YouTube. The story follows a young prince journeying across different planets, each home to unique characters who personify diverse aspects of human experience such as love, loss, and friendship.

The Construction of Knowledge: The Little Prince's Voyage

The Little Prince's interplanetary journey can be interpreted as a symbol of knowledge construction. On each planet, the Prince interacts with inhabitants who each encapsulate a different facet of human nature and societal norms, teaching him about power, vanity, escape, obsession, duty, and understanding.

This journey resonates with ToK's concept that knowledge is constructed through experiential learning and social interactions. Yet, the Prince often questions the relevance and quality of the knowledge he gains, urging us to contemplate the usefulness of the knowledge we construct.

The Interpretation of Knowledge: Seeing with the Heart

Among the valuable lessons from "The Little Prince" is the interpretation of knowledge. The fox imparts the wisdom, "One sees clearly only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye," implying that understanding should extend beyond what is physically perceivable.

This emphasises the subjective interpretation of knowledge in ToK. Each individual knower, influenced by their unique experiences, emotions, and perspectives, interprets knowledge differently. Even empirical evidence is processed through individual interpretive frameworks, often determined by areas of knowledge, subject disciplines, the knower's community, or personal perspectives.

The Knower’s Perspective: The Little Prince and the Aviator

The story juxtaposes the Little Prince's innocent, profound perception and the Aviator's grounded, adult perspective, underscoring the knower's influence on reality comprehension. This aligns with ToK's understanding that the knower's context, such as age and cultural background, shapes their knowledge perspective.

The narrative addresses the classic ToK debate of knowledge being discovered or created. The Aviator's rigid understanding of the world is contrasted against the Little Prince's open-mindedness, signifying how openness to new perspectives can foster wisdom and understanding.

Evidence and Claims: The Snake’s Riddle

In ToK, the validity of claims is evaluated based on supporting evidence. A key example in "The Little Prince" is the snake's riddle—"I can carry you further than any ship could take you". This claim lacks tangible evidence, leaving its validity open to interpretation.

This emphasises ToK's fluid concept of evidence. The selection and interpretation of evidence can lead to different understandings or misconceptions, highlighting the need for critical examination of claims.

Ethical Dilemmas: Taming the Fox

When the Little Prince tames the fox, he faces an ethical dilemma—whether to form a bond knowing the inevitable pain of parting. This dilemma resonates with ToK's understanding that knowledge comes with responsibility and ethical considerations.

Conclusion: The Little Prince and ToK

Although "The Little Prince" seems simplistic, it offers deep insights into ToK. It encourages us to reflect on the construction and interpretation of knowledge, the knower's perspective, the importance of evidence, and ethical dimensions of knowledge.

Let the Little Prince guide us through the complex landscape of ToK, teaching us that knowledge exploration is a journey of discovery, contemplation, interpretation, and growth.


As we conclude, if you're working on your ToK Exhibition and need guidance with choosing a prompt, understanding the prompt that you have chosen or selecting objects, consider using ToKToday’s e-books. We have resources explaining individual prompts, a range of prompts, or all of the prompts.

I hope this exploration of "The Little Prince and ToK" inspires you as much as it does me. Stay curious and Stay TokTastic !

Daniel, August 2023


Understanding Intuition in the Context of ToK


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