Get an A on Your ToK Essay: A Comprehensive Guide

ToK Essay Mini Series #4/4

Mastering the ToK essay doesn't require Shakespearean writing skills nor the analytical prowess of Socrates. Instead, it requires adherence to a few simple steps that we will cover in this blog post. By following these steps, the elusive 'A' on your ToK Essay will not be far-fetched.

Time and Thinking: The Foundations of Success


To further support your understanding, refer to our posts on 3 Tips for Choosing your ToK Essay Question and What Makes Some ToK Essays Easier Than Others?

The first and foremost step to attaining success in your ToK essay is dedicating adequate time for thoughtful contemplation. Choose an essay title that resonates with you, and spend ample time discussing it with your teachers and peers. The aim is to gain a clear perspective and a comprehensive understanding of your chosen title. Remember, cogitation is not merely an option but an essential part of the preparation process.

The Power of Planning

In the words of the old adage, "perfect planning prevents poor performance". This saying could not be more applicable to the ToK essay. Your task is to respond to a somewhat abstract and obscure knowledge question within the constraints of 6-8 paragraphs. Meeting this specific assessment rubric demands lucid communication, succinctness, and precision, all of which are only achievable through meticulous planning. For more details on planning your essay, you can refer to our post on How to Plan your ToK Essay.


Emphasis on Knowledge

One common pitfall that prevents students from scoring above 5 out of 10 in their ToK essay is the insufficient emphasis on ToK content. Avoid over-describing real-life situations at the expense of the ToK content. To understand more about this, we recommend you read our previous post on The Three Most Frequent Mistakes on the ToK Essay.

Use the ToK Concepts


There are 12 core ToK concepts outlined by IB that give a clear indication of the areas they want us to focus on in our essays. Make sure to incorporate these concepts wherever relevant, but don't just force them into your essay artificially.

Incorporating Implications = A grade

Scoring in the 9-10 marking band requires you to consider the implications of your arguments. To ensure clarity, it's advisable to use words such as "implications" or "implies". For example, "The implication of the chicken crossing the road could be that it wanted to get to the other side, or it was oblivious to the danger of its action." For a deeper understanding of how to write implications, refer to our e-book, Write the ToK Essay in 6 Easy Steps.

Treat Draft Deadline as Final Deadline

The final step to achieving an 'A' on your ToK Essay is treating your draft deadline as if it were your final deadline. Submit a fully finished, well-developed draft, allowing your teacher to provide you with comprehensive and useful feedback.

By following these six steps, and crafting a robust, appropriate, and knowledge-focused argument, you will increase your chances of achieving a high score on your ToK essay.


For additional support and detailed examples, check out our e-book, Write the ToK Essay in 6 Easy Steps. With the purchase of the book, you gain access to a resource file containing materials for each stage of essay writing. If you need coaching or written feedback on your essay, feel free to contact me via the Facebook Messenger icon on the site or via email at

Continue your ToK journey with us, and stay toktastic!


ToK Essay Starter Activities


ToK Essay: Balancing Real World Examples and Theory of Knowledge Analysis