Reducing the use of Artificial Intelligence in the ToK Essay.

For the last few months I've been working on ways in which we can use AI tools in ToK teaching and learning. Whilst AI can provide a range of beneficial educational aids in a number of learning functions, there are obvious problems if students overly rely on them to write their ToK essays. The concerns for compromising academic integrity and learning outcomes are significant.

3 direct strategies for reducing the use of AI in Essay Writing:

Instilling Ethical Behaviour

Before delving into practical teaching strategies, it's vital to instil ethical standards in your students. Understanding the value of academic integrity and original thought is paramount. Discuss the ethical implications of using AI-generated content, emphasising that it undermines their learning experience and is essentially another form of plagiarism.

According to Greene et al (2015) "ethical behaviour is more likely to occur when individuals believe that it is the right thing to do, rather than merely being the result of external pressures" ( In other words, students should be led to value ethical behaviour intrinsically rather than as a mere rule-following exercise. Through class discussions, real-world examples, and ethical dilemmas, cultivate an environment where doing the 'right thing' becomes second nature.

ethical behaviour is more likely to occur when individuals believe that it is the right thing to do, rather than merely being the result of external pressures.

Greene et al (2015)

Implementing Planning Strategies

Planning is the backbone of good essay writing and an effective way to discourage students from taking shortcuts with AI tools. Teach students to create outlines, brainstorm ideas, and conduct proper research before diving into writing. By establishing a structured workflow, students are less likely to seek the 'easy way out' via AI-generated content. Additionally, make it a habit to discuss essay outlines in class or during individual consultations, making adjustments as needed.

You can get more details on the planning stages of the ToK Essay at this detailed blogpost.

Promoting Self-Regulation

Self-regulation is crucial for independent learning and is particularly relevant in the context of discouraging AI tool misuse. Provide frameworks for students to monitor their writing progress, set realistic goals, and assess their performance critically.

Greene et al (2015) highlight that "self-regulation is significantly enhanced when students have clear, attainable goals and appropriate self-monitoring strategies". Therefore, consider integrating self-assessment rubrics and progress-tracking methods into your teaching. Guide them on how to evaluate their skills realistically, take appropriate corrective actions, and seek help when needed.

Final Thoughts

AI language models are here to stay, but their ethical use in education is a collective responsibility. By instilling good ethical behaviours, implementing effective planning strategies, and fostering self-regulation skills, we can guide students towards authentic academic growth. The goal is not merely to prevent cheating but to cultivate a learning environment where students appreciate the genuine rewards of intellectual exploration.

Stay Toktastic my friends,
Daniel, Bangkok, September 2023


  • Greene, Jeffrey Alan, et al. “Fostering High-School Students’ Self-Regulated Learning Online and Across Academic Domains.” The High School Journal, vol. 99, no. 1, 2015, pp. 88–106. JSTOR, Accessed 1 Sept. 2023.


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