May 24 ToK Essay Guides: Published

ToK Essay Guides May 24

Today we have published the ToK Essay Guides for May 2024 ToK Essay Titles. Click here to purchase.

New for May 24: Foundation Notes and Complete Guides

During the last two exam sessions some students have given us feedback that the notes were too long, they said that they just wanted 'the key essentials'. However, other students have told us that they really appreciated the details in the TokToday Essay Notes. So, this year we have produced two versions of notes for each essay: The Foundation Notes and The Complete Guides.

The Difference between Foundation Notes, and The Complete Guide.

The Foundation Notes fully unpack the title, explore different ways to approach the concepts in the title, and explain a number of knowledge arguments that could be used. These notes are 4,000-5,000 words.

The Complete Guide has all of the same content as The Foundation Notes, and in addition has fully explained real life examples to illustrate each knowledge argument.The Complete Guide also has evaluation points and implications for each knowledge argument. These notes are 8,000-11,000 words.

More content to come.

In the next couple of weeks we will publish the video guides for each essay title, and have specialised blogposts on concepts and themes in each title. The video guides will be more specific versions of the overview videos with Gareth Stevens. There is also supplementary content on the ToKToday YouTube Channel (more to come soon !)

If you have any suggestions, or feedback on the essay titles, or essay guides, I'd love to hear it.

Bangkok, September 2023


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