Do We Need Knowledge, or Is Knowledge the Need? (PT 5 May 24)

When it comes to the role of custodians of knowledge, a key question we must ask is: What needs do these custodians fulfil? This leads us to a deeper, more complex question: Do we need knowledge, or is knowledge itself the need? This blog post starts to explore this question, focusing on the dual elements of need and custodians of knowledge. 

The Range of Needs Fulfilled by Knowledge

Knowledge serves a multitude of functions, and custodians of knowledge, arguably, play a key role in this dynamic. From solving tangible problems to making informed decisions, knowledge fulfils practical needs. Here, custodians of knowledge step in as protective stewards, managing, preserving, and disseminating this vital resource. But the need for knowledge extends beyond these pragmatic demands. Knowledge also meets abstract needs, such as emotional solace and existential fulfilment. When custodians of knowledge safeguard the collective wisdom of humanity, they are helping to fulifll a rich spectrum of human needs.

Knowledge as the Source of Needs

Interestingly, it’s possible that the need for knowledge might be born from knowledge itself. The more we learn, the more gaps we identify, perpetuating a cycle where the pursuit of knowledge generates new needs. Here, the role of custodians of knowledge becomes paradoxical. In fulfilling our need for knowledge, they may inadvertently create more needs that then require further custodianship.


So, do we need custodians of knowledge? Considering the dual nature of needs that knowledge fulfils and creates, the role of custodians of knowledge remains pivotal. Whether knowledge serves as a means to fulfil needs or as the originator of those very needs, custodians of knowledge continue to be indispensable figures. They navigate the complex interplay between the need for knowledge and the needs that knowledge itself can generate.

In sum, the relationship between need and knowledge is a nuanced one, made even more complex by the role of custodians of knowledge. As we further explore the need for knowledge and what needs custodians fulfil, we gain a deeper understanding of this intricate balance.

Find out more about this essay title in the overview discussion with Gareth Stevens.

This is just a start of the type of overview that you can find in our ToK Essay 5 Guidance Notes, in these notes we cover the basics on why we may, or may not, need custodians of knowledge. We also look at some of the higher level arguments on whether these needs could still be fulfilled without custodians of knowledge. This year we have two versions of the notes: 


The Foundation Notes fully unpack the title, explore different ways to approach the concepts in the title, and explain a number of knowledge arguments that could be used. These notes are 4,000-5,000 words.

The Complete Guide has all of the same content as The Foundation Notes, and in addition has fully explained real life examples to illustrate each knowledge argument.The Complete Guide also has evaluation points and implications for each knowledge argument. These notes are 8,000-11,000 words.

You can find essay guidance notes for all of the essay titles at this link.

Stay Toktastic my friends,
Bangkok, September 2023

Detailed guidance video for Essay 5 May 24

Initial overview thoughts with Gareth Stevens on Essay 5 May 24

Useful for ToK Essay 5 May 24

Useful for Essay 5 May 24


Different Forms of Knowledge Have Different Forms of Evidence: Thinking about ToK Essay 6 


Is a Custodian a Good or Bad Thing? (PT5 May 24)