Overview notes for Essay #5 May 24: Custodians

 Defining the Topic

1. Consider the various possible meanings of 'custodians of knowledge.' This term is ambiguous, so a working definition is crucial. Consider the idea that a custodian needs to have a pro-active role in the protection of knowledge.

2. Examine the 'needs' that may require custodians of knowledge. This will form the basis for arguing for or against their necessity.

 Investigating Areas of Knowledge

3. Look at bottom-up processes in areas of knowledge such as science, mathematics, and the arts. Consider how gatekeepers like renowned journals affect these areas.

4. Examine the role of individuals who become synonymous with specific kinds of knowledge (e.g., Freudian analysis, Jungian psychology).

 Multi-Dimensional Approach

5. Consider various forms of custodianship. These could range from official scientific bodies to smaller networks of individuals and communities.

6. Investigate both positive and negative impacts of custodianship in specific areas of knowledge. For example, do they maintain reliability or do they hinder innovation?

 Role of Curators and Regulators

7. Assess the role of 'curators' of knowledge, such as art gallery owners or journal editors. They decide what knowledge gets exposure and therefore can be seen as a form of custodian.

8. Explore the regulatory aspects of custodianship. Use examples from educational systems or governmental bodies that oversee quality and accuracy.

 Nuanced Perspectives

9. Address the essay's apparent 'closed-ended' nature. Though it may seem to ask for a simple 'yes' or 'no,' it requires a nuanced exploration.

10. Examine the potential for custodians to not only maintain existing knowledge but also to identify flaws and encourage growth or change.

 Strengths and Weaknesses

11. Evaluate the efficacy of custodians in enabling the development of knowledge. Are there alternatives to traditional forms of custodianship?

 Contemporary Relevance

12. Use modern examples where external forces have challenged established custodians. This could include indigenous knowledge systems, innovations in arts, or breakthroughs in sciences.

 Structuring the Essay

13. Start with a thesis statement, but remain flexible. The research may lead to unforeseen conclusions, and these should be embraced.

14. Clearly define the focus and method of the essay. This will help navigate the essay's complexities.

 Genuine Inquiry

15. Make the essay a result of a 'genuine intellectual journey.' Despite the workload, aim to delve deeply into the topic and enjoy the process of intellectual exploration.

 Balancing the Workload

16. Acknowledge the challenge of undertaking an extensive intellectual journey given the academic workload, but see it as an opportunity for genuine learning and growth.

These guidelines are intended to facilitate a comprehensive yet focused essay that thoroughly investigates the concept of 'custodians of knowledge' within two areas of knowledge.


If you want to know more for essay 5 (or any of the other May 24 Essays), if you want detailed guidance notes then click here . These guidance notes give you knowledge arguments, counter arguments,  real world examples, evaluation points and implications.


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