What could "sever ties with its past" mean?

This blog post accompanies the video linked here, and below.

Theory of Knowledge (ToK) Essay #3 from the November 2024 sessions asks us to consider the phrase "Sever ties with its past", In this blog post, we will look at one way of understanding this term, and we'll also look at the phrase "benefit an area of knowledge".

Understanding the Knowledge Framework


At the heart of Essay #3 N24—and indeed central to our understanding of the terms for Essay #3—is the Knowledge Framework. This framework is an integral part of the ToK curriculum, outlining the structure of each Area of Knowledge (AoK). It comprises four main components: Scope, Perspectives, Methods & Tools, and Ethics. These elements collectively define what each AoK entails, including its objectives, methodologies, and ethical considerations.

Severing Ties with the Past

To "sever ties with its past" within an AoK can be broadly interpreted as making changes to some or all of the elements of the Knowledge Framework. This might involve altering the methodologies employed to produce knowledge or revising the foundational principles and laws outlined in the Scope. It's a phrase that suggests significant shifts in how an AoK is structured or understood. However, many other definitions of this term could be developed, it's very much open to a range of arguments.

For a comprehensive understanding of this concept, it's advisable to refer to additional resources such as the ToKToday Essay Guidance notes available from this link. These notes offer detailed explanations and examples that can help refine your definitions and approach to addressing this element in your essay.

Benefits to an Area of Knowledge

The second key phrase, "benefit an area of knowledge," invites you to consider what improvements or positive changes can occur within an AoK due to adjustments in the Knowledge Framework (if you take changes to the knowledge framework as your definition of "sever ties with its past"). Benefits might be direct enhancements to the methodologies or tools used within the AoK or they could involve broader ethical improvements stemming from shifts in perspective or approach.

Just as with understanding how ties can be severed, discussing the potential benefits requires a nuanced approach.

The beauty of the Knowledge Framework

The beauty of using the Knowledge Framework to address these questions lies in its structured approach to understanding and analysing Areas of Knowledge. By mapping out changes or benefits within this framework, you can more effectively articulate and support your arguments in the essay.


Both "sever ties with its past" and "benefit an area of knowledge" are terms that, once explained, can help your understanding and handling of this ToK essay. Through the lens of the Knowledge Framework, these terms gain clarity and depth. This will help in your writing of this essay. For further assistance, do not hesitate to explore additional resources such as the ToKToday Essay Guidance notes available from this link.


ToK Essay #3 Nov 24: Sever Ties with Its Past


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