How to Write an Excellent Conclusion to a ToK Essay

The conclusion of your Theory of Knowledge (ToK) essay is like the destination in a journey – essential and impactful. Crafting a strong conclusion not only ties all your arguments together but also provides a direct answer to the prescribed title. This blog post will guide you on how to write a compelling conclusion for your ToK essay, contrasting an adequate conclusion with a more sophisticated one.

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The Basics of a ToK Essay Conclusion

An adequate conclusion will sum up the arguments presented in the essay, bringing them together into a clear statement that answers the prescribed title. This type of conclusion is typical of essays scoring up to 5 marks. It provides a direct response but often lacks deeper insight and analysis.

Example of an Adequate Conclusion

Let’s take the essay title #4 from May 2021: “Statistics reveal as much as they conceal: discuss.

We will examine the Areas of Knowledge (AoK) in The Arts and The Natural Sciences.

Example of a conclusion typically scoring up to 5 marks:

“In AoK The Arts, we found that statistics reveal very little because artistic knowledge is subjective to the individual knower. As such, in The Arts, statistics reveal less than they conceal. However, in AoK The Natural Sciences, it was clear that statistical proof is required for scientific knowledge. As such, in The Natural Sciences, statistics reveal a lot more than they conceal. Therefore, whether statistics reveal as much as they conceal depends upon the type of knowledge and the area of knowledge in which they are applied.”

This conclusion is clear and to the point. It adequately summarises the knowledge arguments in each area and builds to a direct response to the question. However, it lacks deeper insight and analysis.

Moving Beyond Adequacy: Crafting a Sophisticated Conclusion

Essays scoring more than 5 marks typically exhibit a development of knowledge arguments as the essay progresses, leading to unforeseen insights that enhance the response to the prescribed question. A sophisticated conclusion draws together the findings of each section, incorporating these new insights.

Example of a Sophisticated Conclusion

Example of a conclusion typically scoring more than 5 marks:

“Arguments and examples demonstrating both that statistics do, and don’t, reveal as much as they conceal can be developed in both AoK The Natural Sciences and AoK The Arts. As these arguments were evaluated, it became increasingly clear that it is the intended use of the statistics, and the ways in which the concepts of ‘reveal/conceal’ are defined, that determine the answer to the question. It was found that if we wished to generalise artistic knowledge, then statistics become revelatory, as they do if we wish to confirm knowledge in The Natural Sciences. As such, whether statistics reveal as much as they conceal depends upon the intention of the knowledge producer, the applied use of knowledge, and what it is that is thought to be revealed or concealed.”

In this conclusion, the writer draws together the conceptual or thematic findings in a more synoptic fashion. By finding the similarities and differences between the AoKs, the writer looks past the AoKs to identify other factors impacting the answer to the question. This approach provides a more cumulative and insightful conclusion.

Tips for Writing an Excellent ToK Essay Conclusion

  1. Plan Ahead: Sketch out your conclusion during the planning of your essay. Knowing your destination helps you navigate your arguments more effectively.

  2. Summarise and Synthesise: Summarise your main points but also synthesise them, showing how they collectively answer the prescribed title.

  3. Incorporate Insights: Highlight any new insights gained through the progression of your essay. This adds depth and demonstrates a sophisticated understanding.

  4. Holistic Approach: Look beyond individual AoKs to identify overarching themes or factors that influence your answer.

By following these tips and understanding the difference between an adequate and a sophisticated conclusion, you can elevate the quality of your ToK essay. Remember, a well-crafted conclusion not only summarises but also provides deeper insight and analysis, ensuring a more compelling and thoughtful end to your essay.


For more detailed guidance on writing your ToK essay, visit the ToKToday website. You can also check out our e-book “How to Write the ToK Essay in 6 Easy Steps” or hire me as an essay coach for personalised support.

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Stay Tok-tastic!
Daniel, Lisbon, July 2024


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