ToKToday 2nd Anniversary: How Far Have We Come?

ToKToday turned two years old on 1st August 2024, marking another significant milestone for our community. As we celebrate this anniversary, it’s the perfect time to reflect on our achievements over the past year and share our plans for the future.

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A Look Back at Year One

At this time last year, ToKToday had already exceeded expected targets:

  • Views: 71,210

  • Unique Visitors: 32,000

  • Blog Posts: 132

  • Readership: 164 countries

  • Products Sold: 500 in 62 countries

  • YouTube: 143 videos and 671 subscribers

The first year set a high bar for us, and the excitement was palpable. So, how did we fare in the second year?

Progress on YouTube

From August 2023 to the end of July 2024, we published 93 videos on our YouTube channel. While this is fewer than the 143 videos from the first year, I’m happier with the quality and consistency of the content. We’ve moved away from producing YouTube Shorts and AI-generated videos, focusing instead on delivering higher-quality content.

The most significant improvement has been in our subscriber count, which has more than doubled to 2,124 subscribers. This growth is incredibly gratifying, and I extend my heartfelt thanks to everyone who has subscribed. Your support means the world to me.

Boost in Sales

Our sales figures have also seen a significant increase. In the past year, we sold 751 products, marking a 50% increase. These products reached many countries, with notable sales in Singapore, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, and growing markets in Turkey, UAE, Kenya, and the Netherlands. A huge thank you to everyone who has purchased from ToKToday; your support keeps us going.

Website Growth

The website’s growth has been nothing short of astounding. Last year, we had 122,950 unique visitors who viewed 267,115 pages, compared to 32,000 visitors and 71,000 page views in our first year. This surge in traffic is humbling and greatly appreciated. Thank you to everyone who has visited and engaged with our content.

Milestones of the Year

Educational Collaborations

Over the past year, I’ve had the privilege of working with schools and teachers across the globe, including in Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, India, Saudi Arabia, France, Portugal, and the USA. Your support and collaboration have been invaluable. Meeting new colleagues, understanding your contexts, and designing learning experiences together has been a joy and an honour.

YouTube Monetisation

A major milestone was the monetisation of the ToKToday YouTube channel in October 2023. Achieving this in 13 months, the average time for monetisation on YouTube, was a significant achievement, especially for a niche channel focused on Theory of Knowledge. This would not have been possible without your support, so thank you.

Special thanks to Gareth and Magda for their contributions to the channel last year. Their wisdom and insights have greatly benefited our viewers.

Company Registration

Another key milestone was registering ToKToday Limited as a listed company in Hong Kong. This development brings numerous benefits and positions us better for future growth.


Looking Ahead

Website Redesign

In the coming weeks, we will be launching a completely redesigned website. Working with designers, we’ve created a new look with updated colours and a new logo. The new site will not only look different but will also be more user-friendly.

Resources for Teachers

Our recent survey indicated a growing engagement from ToK teachers. In response, we are developing new resources tailored for educators. While I can’t reveal too much yet, exciting products are on the horizon. Stay tuned!

Thank You

As we celebrate ToKToday’s second anniversary, I want to extend my deepest gratitude to everyone who has supported us. Your encouragement and engagement have been vital to our growth and success.

Thank you for being part of this journey. Here’s to another year of learning, growth, and exploration together!


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