November 25 ToK Essay Titles: Categorise the Questions
The Theory of Knowledge (ToK) essay questions for the November 2025 examination session have been published, and students across the world are beginning the crucial process of unpacking these titles. In this post, I will take you through my first steps in analysing these questions, considering what they might mean, and exploring some initial approaches to answering them.
The Importance of Reflection in ToK Essay Preparation
When new ToK essay questions are released, my first reaction is always to avoid panic. I like to let the questions sit in my subconscious for a few days before engaging with them directly. This is rooted in the idea of latent learning—the concept that our subconscious mind continues to work on problems even when we are not actively thinking about them. Allowing this process to occur often leads to more creative and insightful ideas when I later revisit the questions.
Categorising ToK Essay Questions
The first structured step I take in analysing each prescribed title is to ask a fundamental question: What type of ToK question is this?
I have recently identified five broad categories into which all ToK essay questions can be placed:
1. The Accuracy of Knowledge – Questions about the reliability, validity, or objectivity of knowledge.
2. The Development of Knowledge – Questions exploring how knowledge evolves over time or is influenced by different contexts.
3. Methods, Tools, Technology & Knowledge – Questions concerning how knowledge is produced, structured, and communicated.
4. The Ethics of Knowledge – Questions addressing the ethical dimensions of knowledge production and use.
5. Epistemic Questions – Questions about the nature of knowledge itself, its limits, and its relationship with experience and understanding.
Understanding which category a question fits into helps not only in interpreting the question but also in structuring a strong response.
For more details on the methodology for devising these essay types click here.
Categorising the November 2025 ToK Essay Questions
Now, let us apply this framework to each of the six prescribed titles for November 2025.
Question 1: Do conventions limit or expand the ability of historians and artists to produce knowledge?
This question is fundamentally about how knowledge is produced, meaning it aligns strongly with the Methods, Tools, and Technology category. However, it could also be viewed as a Development of Knowledge question, as it invites discussion on how conventions evolve over time.
Some of the key ideas in the Methods, Tools & Tech category.
To find out more about the Methods, Tools & Tech category click here.
Question 2: What is the relationship between knowing and understanding?
This is a classic epistemic question, as it probes the very nature of knowledge itself. It requires engagement with fundamental ToK concepts, such as the difference between propositional knowledge (knowing that) and experiential knowledge (knowing how or understanding why).
Some of the ideas underpinning Epistemic Questions
To find out more about Epistemic Questions click here.
Question 3: Should knowledge be pursued for its own sake rather than for its potential application?
Although this question is explicitly linked to mathematics, its second area of knowledge (AoK) is left open to student choice. Depending on how it is approached, it could fit into multiple categories, including Development of Knowledge, Accuracy of Knowledge, and Epistemic Questions. The question encourages exploration of intrinsic versus instrumental value in knowledge.
Some of the ideas in the Development of Knowledge Category
To find out more about The Development of Knowledge questions click here.
Question 4: The methods of an area of knowledge may change, however the scope remains the same - TWE do you agree?
This question explicitly references methods, making it a clear fit for the Methods, Tools, and Technology category. However, it also raises issues about how knowledge evolves, placing it within the Development of Knowledge category as well. The challenge here is to define “scope” and argue whether changes in methodology fundamentally alter the nature of an AoK.
Question 5: Is it possible or even desirable to set aside temporarily what we already know in the pursuit of knowledge ?
This question raises significant epistemological concerns about whether all new knowledge builds upon previous knowledge or if, at times, prior assumptions must be suspended. It fits well within the Epistemic and Development of Knowledge categories. Furthermore, the use of the word “desirable” introduces an ethical dimension, making Ethics of Knowledge another possible lens.
Some of the approaches to questions in the Ethical Issues category.
To find out more about questions in the ethical issues category click here.
Question 6: Is empathy an attribute that is equally important for a historian and a human scientist?
This question asks about the role of empathy in different AoKs, particularly history and human sciences. As such, it is fundamentally concerned with Accuracy of Knowledge —does empathy enhance or distort knowledge? Additionally, it invites discussion on Methods, Development of Knowledge, and Ethics, particularly regarding ethical responsibilities in these disciplines.
Approaches to questions in the Accuracy of Knowledge category.
For more details on the Accuracy of Knowledge Category click here
Why Categorising ToK Essay Questions Matters
By classifying ToK essay questions into categories, we achieve two things:
1. A deeper understanding of the question. This process, often referred to as unpacking the question, helps students clarify what the question is really asking and how to structure their response.
2. A connection to examiner expectations. Through an analysis of examiner reports and assessment criteria from previous years, I have found that certain types of arguments are consistently expected for different categories of questions. Understanding these typical arguments can help students build strong, well-supported essays.
Coming Soon !: Resources for Tackling Your ToK Essay
If you are preparing to write your November 2025 ToK essay, I will be publishing detailed essay guidance notes and video explanations for each question over the coming weeks. These will provide in-depth insights into structuring responses and engaging with ToK concepts at a high level. Be sure to subscribe to ToKToday to receive updates when new resources become available.
Thank you for reading, and as always—stay ToKtastic!
Daniel, Lisbon, March 2025