Student Support Daniel Trump Student Support Daniel Trump

Student Support

Be sure to check out our student support page for the types of support available to ToK Students.

The ToK Essay ebook will be launching soon, linked on the student support page.

I can provide a range of different support options to help you to be successful on your ToK course. Please feel free to contact me at

ToK Essay and Exhibition Help

I provide 4 main services to help you to complete your essay:

ToK Essay Coaching (online).

Over a number of sessions I can work with you to develop your ToK Essay. I will take you from question selection, through planning, writing to final essay submission. Using a structured programme of stages and techniques which have been successful over many years, with many students, I can help you to write an effective essay with minimal stress and anxiety. We will meet online (sessions last 45 minutes) in which you will discuss what’s been done and what’s next. I will advise you on what’s best for your next steps, and how to achieve that next stage. Over the sessions we will build your understanding and skills.

ToK Essay Draft Final Feedback (online).

If you have written your ToK Essay, and are ready to submit either the Draft version, or final version, to your teacher you can arrange a feedback session with me to get a few final tips before submission. Sessions last 45 minutes, in which we will use the IB Assessment Instrument (assessment rubric) to identify areas of strength, areas for development, application, interpretation, analysis, evaluation and implications. This service is designed to help you to ‘fine tune’ your essay before submission.

NB. The Draft Submission is an absolutely key stage in the essay process as this is the only stage when your ToK teacher can you give you written feedback. You significantly improve the probability of receiving a high score for the ToK Essay by submitting a fully completed Draft essay as this gives your teacher more content to feedback on (which gives you more tips to improve the essay).

ToK Essay Help Packs.

Our ToK Essay Help Packs give you exclusive content and a framework to help you to write your ToK Essay.

Emergency ToK Essay Help!

If the Draft or Final Submission date is very close, and you find that you need emergency help I have a 24 hour turnaround service available. This is for students who require significant help in a short period of time. When booking this session please immediately email your Essay to me regardless of that state of completion (email:, it is best if I have a few hours notice before our session.

ToK Exhibition Coaching (online).

If you’re just starting out putting together a ToK Exhibition I can help you to choose the right IA prompt, develop perspectives relating to the prompt and to choose objects relating to those perspectives. We can help you to develop your Commentary up to final submission of the written piece.

ToK Exhibition Final Draft Feedback (online).

If you have written your ToK Exhibition Commentary, but want feedback before you submit it to your teacher (either draft or final submission) we have a service that can offer you that feedback. We use the IB ToK Exhibition Assessment Instrument (the marking rubric) to show you areas of strength and areas for development in the commentary. We can help you with the areas of development until you have a commentary that you are happy to submit.

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ToK Lesson Daniel Trump ToK Lesson Daniel Trump

Human vs Robot (Starter Game)

Human vs Robot is a starter game that I devised for 1st yr ToK Students. It has two main aims:

Firstly it is designed to make the familiar unfamiliar, helping the students to start to question some of the tacit assumptions that they bring into the ToK class.

Secondly, it helps the students to start to separate the real world context from the knowledge issues.

It is obviously well suited to use at the beginning of the optional theme knowledge and technology. Like all of these T.O.K. games and starters, the value is in the discussion that you as the teacher can develop from what the students contribute. The resource is very much just a starting point for the lesson. However, if used well it can it has often developed into the whole lesson, and has often taken me into discussions on artificial intelligence, the causation and consequence of technological change on knowledge, and the very function of existence itself.

I'd be super interested to know how you get on with it!


Link for Human vs Robot

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ToK Concepts Daniel Trump ToK Concepts Daniel Trump

Truth, Justification and Perspective in The Arts and History

Knowledge Questions:

  • Is the truth what the majority of people accept?

  • Are moral and aesthetic judgments more a matter of taste than a matter of truth?

Watch the video Art - does it blend?

If you want to find out more about this artist (Marco Evaristti) click on the article linked here.

Your group will be allocated an area of inquiry, click the button below, and follow the instructions on the inquiry sheet:


Justification & Perspective

Truth & Perspective in AoK History.

Knowledge Questions:

  • Is truth the goal of all historical inquiry?

Activity 1.

In your group individually write accounts of a major event in which you all shared (this could be a school event, local event, or experience of a national or international event).

Now compare your accounts - are there similarities / are there differences between the various accounts ?


If there are differences why might they have occurred? Who is best qualified to write the best account of the event and why?

What do the similarities / differences tell us about Historical Knowledge?

Activity 2.

A single historical truth vs multiple historical truths.

Brainstorm arguments for each side of the debate of whether there is a single historical truth or multiple historical truths.

Activity 3.

Synthesis: Bring together your answers to the Reflection in Activity 1, with your answers to Activity 2.

(i) Develop a Thesis Statement relating to the KQ: Is truth the goal of all historical inquiry.
(ii) Explain the argument(s) supporting your thesis statement, include examples as appropriate.
(iii) Explain the arguments(s) against your thesis statement, include examples as appropriate.
(iv) write a concluding paragraph which states your resolution, and the reasons for your resolution.

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