3 simple steps to write up one object: ToK Exhibition

You've chosen your prompt, you've written 3 knowledge claims, you've chosen 3 objects. What do you do next ? In this post we look at 'the essentials' for writing up just one object in the ToK Exhibition.

I will use the example of ToK Exhibition Prompt: What is the relationship between personal experience and knowledge ? , and will draw from this post on TokToday, and the corresponding YouTube Video

"Explain link RWC"

This box means explain the link between the real world context of the object and the prompt.

Consider answering the questions:

(i) How does this object link to the prompt?

(ii) What does this object tell us about the prompt?

Here I have:

  1. Explained the real world context of the object.

  2. Explained the link between the real world context of the object and the prompt.

"Explain link knowledge”

Here I have explained the link between the object and the knowledge claim (the knowledge claim for object 2 is "Personal experience can challenge the pre-existing knowledge of the knower."

Writing a knowledge claim for each object helps each object to make a specific contribution to answering the prompt. This is key for getting a high mark in the ToK Exhibition. Find out more about making your objects specific at this link.

"Justify Inclusion"

Finally, I justify the inclusion of the object by extending the explanation of the knowledge claim, and linking back to the original prompt.

A final tip is that you should ensure that you are directly addressing the original prompt. If you are including the words from the prompt in your answer then you are probably addressing the prompt. If you are not including the key words from the prompt in your answer then you're probably not addressing the prompt. Eg If you're answering the prompt "How does the context of the presentation of knowledge affect it's acceptance ?" then you should be using the words context, presentation and acceptance in your answer.

Examples of Commentaries:

What constraints are there on the pursuit of knowledge? (ToK Exhibition #15)

What features of knowledge have an impact on its reliability?

Are some types of knowledge more useful than others?

Who owns knowledge?

Should some knowledge not be sought on ethical grounds?

What counts as knowledge?

Get a copy of TOK Exhibition Prompts Explained at this link.

Detailed explanations of each prompt, including suggestions for knowledge claims and objects that could be used in the Exhibition.


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