Will AI save my ToK Life?

What is the potential for using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to help us in ToK ? Is it possible that we could use AI to assist us in our ToK Exhibition and ToK Essay without running into problems of academic integrity ? Can AI reduce our workload, increase the quality of work, reduce our stress, increase our productivity, make us better ToK learners, and not get us into trouble with IB ? Yes ! AI can do all of this, and more. In this post I introduce some of the basic do's and don'ts of using AI in ToK.

A video version of this post is available at this link

Don't paste ToK Exhibition Prompts / Essay questions verbatim into the AI prompt box:

I asked ChatGPT 3.0 to answer the ToK Exhibition prompt: What is the relationship between personal experience & knowledge ?

How did Chat GPT do ?

Assessing ChatGPT's answer against the ToK Exhibition Criteria.

I assessed ChatGPT's ToK Exhibition Commentary as 0/10 using the IB ToK Exhibition Assessment Rubric.

ChatGPT would have failed the ToK Exhibition fairly comprehensively because the prompt alone does not contain the range of instructions required to produce a commentary that would achieve a passing grade.

Can AI detection software identify ChatGPT's commentary as written by AI ?

Both GPTZero and ZeroGPT accurately detected ChatGPT's commentary.

How do AI detectors perform when analysing text written by humans ?

BothGPTZero and ZeroGPT accurately detected the commentary that I had written as "Human Written" text.

How can we ethically use AI to help us to write the Exhibition Commentary?

Microsoft Bing is far more accurate and helpful in its use of sources than ChatGPT (this is the status at the time of writing, ChatGPT may get better in the future).

We can ask Bing a more focussed question: "Tell me 3 different ways to understand the relationship between personal experience and knowledge."

Bing gave us 3 ways to understand the relationship between personal experience and knowledge. These could be developed, using our own words, into knowledge claims. Each knowledge claim could have a specific object attached to them.

Bing also gave us 3 sources (ringed in the diagram on the left), one source is a (free) ToK Textbook !, the other source (#2) is also of use. We could use these sources to help us to develop the 3 ways to understand the relationship between personal experience & knowledge that Bing has already given us.

Save time, improve quality, reduce stress with AI

From this post I hope that you can see that:


  • Ask Microsoft Bing targeted and specific knowledge questions. Use its response to give you structures for your ToK Exhibition (don't cut & paste, redevelop its response in your own words).

  • Use the sources that Microsoft Bing gives you to help you to develop its responses in your own worlds.


  • Don't paste the ToK Exhibition prompt (or Essay Prescribed Title) verbatim into the AI Prompt Box. It will not give you useful content, nor will it meet the assessment criteria.

  • Don't copy and paste AI content without properly citing (ie referencing) it. It will be identified by AI content detectors.

If you have specific requests for AI related content please don't hesitate to get in touch with me at Daniel@ToKToday.com.

We have focussed prompts for AI specifically designed to generate relevant content for the November 2023 ToK Essays available at this link.

Get explanations of all the ToK Exhibition Prompts, including:

  1. An overview explanation of each prompt.

  2. Examples of three knowledge claims for each prompt.

  3. Suggestions for the types of object that would be appropriate for each knowledge claim.

  4. How to structure the ToK Exhibition Commentary.


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3 simple steps to write up one object: ToK Exhibition