ToK Essay 2 May 23: Can or cannot explain

The overview video for ToK Essay 2 May 23 can or cannot explain is posted today (and linked below).

I'm trying to be a good IB Learner by improving my skills and knowledge as I produce these videos. I have listened to feedback on the first video, and lowered the volume of the music on this video.

These overview videos are only intended to give students a flavour of a few of the debates which could be explored in these essays. There are, of course, many more arguments and perspectives which could be included.

Just 4 of the characters used in the video guide for essay #2, we've got to have fun with this !

The video guide for Essay #1 is linked here.

If you want more detailed notes on the Knowledge Questions and arguments raised in the video then please check out the detailed notes available here.

If you want help with your ToK Essay or Exhibition then please check out the Student Support page linked here.

You can always contact me at,
stay Tok-tastic!


ToK Essay #3 Bubbles video guide posted


Replicability: Essay 1 May 23