ToK Essay #3 Bubbles video guide posted

The video guide to ToK Essay #3 May 23 (the essay about 'bubbles') has been posted to YouTube today (and is linked below).

I like this essay, I think that it comes at an appropriate time, and gives the students an opportunity to reflect on echo chambers (bubbles) in both academic and wider life. I chose to focus on the academic sphere, as I think this is a safer area for discussion than venturing into social media. I assume that some students will discuss social media, but that feels a bit risky to me.

I had lots of 'old person' jokes running through my head when I saw the concept of 'bubbles' in the essay. Fans of West Ham Utd will be delighted to see their club song has made it to the ToK Essay arena. Some people may have thought of references to Michael Jackson (again I thought it safer to steer clear of that reference). However, I did put a gentle joke in the video (an "Easter Egg") - see if you can spot it. People from London, UK will have an advantage !

You can find the video guide for Essay #1 linked here.

You can find the video guide for Essay #2 linked here.

If you want more detailed notes on the Knowledge Questions and arguments raised in the video then please check out the detailed notes available here.

If you want help with your ToK Essay or Exhibition then please check out the Student Support page linked here.

You can always contact me at,
stay Tok-tastic!


ToK Essay #5 May 23: Visual Representations


ToK Essay 2 May 23: Can or cannot explain