What can Minecraft teach us about ToK?

What is the link between Minecraft and ToK ? How can we use Minecraft to understand ToK ? Are their parallels ? Is one a metaphor for the other ? A video version of this blog is linked here.

ToK is an exploration of how knowledge is made. Therefore there is ToK in everything that we know. I ask my students to reflect on the ToK in their lives. Unfortunately, I doubt that many of them are reading Bertrand Russell, Simone de Beauvoir or Marcel Proust on a daily basis. However, they probably are playing computer games, listening to music and watching TV everyday. So we’re going to look at how ToK manifests itself in elements of popular culture.

Minecraft as a metaphor for ToK ?

We’re going to start by looking at Minecraft because it’s one of the elements of popular culture to make connections with ToK . Minecraft is about constructing worlds, ToK is about how knowledge is constructed.

Minecraft offers players a vast and immersive virtual world to explore and shape according to their imagination. While it may seem like a simple game at first glance, Minecraft holds several ToK lessons that can be gleaned from its gameplay and mechanics. From the concepts of creativity and self-expression to the significance of community and the exploration of the function and meaning of knowledge, Minecraft offers us a rich ToK experience.

Minecraft & the metaphor of the map.

Minecraft is the obvious computer game representation of that old ToK favourite the Metaphor of the map. This is the idea that knowledge can be thought of as a map. It is built for a particular purpose, and that purpose determines what is shown on the map and how it is shown in relation to everything else on the map. Knowledge, like the map has boundaries, and that which is not known is not represented.

Construction in Minecraft & ToK

In Minecraft we build our own world - this is like our knowledge world, all that is known is represented in this minecraft world. That which is not known is not represented (obviously). The minecraft world is built for a purpose, just like the knowledge world, and it has boundaries, just like the knowledge world.

The concept of structural Integrity is also shared between the minecraft world and the knowledge world. In the minecraft world buildings are made from interlocking a range of different shaped blocks, in the knowledge world knowledge is made by combining information with meaning, purpose and context. In the minecraft world you can have strong blocks leading to solid building. Likewise in ToK we have strong methodologies for making solid, reliable and accurate knowledge. Likewise in Minecraft we can have weak and damaged blocks which lead to unreliable, unsafe buildings. I don’t need to describe the parallel with the knowledge world.

Self expression, the perspective of The Knower.

One of the fundamental ToK lessons that Minecraft imparts is the power of creativity and self-expression. The game encourages players to build and create using a variety of blocks, allowing them to construct intricate structures, landscapes, and even entire worlds. In doing so, Minecraft teaches players the value of imagination, innovation, and the satisfaction that comes from applying imagination in the minecraft world. This concept mirrors ToK ideas about the human capacity for innovation and creation of new knowledge, and the significance of the unique perspective of the player, or knower in the ToK World.

The power of community.

Furthermore, Minecraft emphasises the significance of collaboration and community. The game enables players to engage in multiplayer mode, where they can join forces, collaborate on projects, and work towards common goals. In this context, Minecraft showcases the inherent value of cooperation and networks in the construction of knowledge. The game highlights the benefits of collective effort in achieving greater outcomes. This aligns with the ToK ideas surrounding communities of knowers, cooperation, and the idea that as knowers we have contextualised knowledge perspectives.

Minecraft: Empiricism vs Rationalism ?

Another ToK theme present in Minecraft revolves around exploration and discovery. The game presents a vast, open world teeming with hidden treasures, uncharted territories, and secrets waiting to be unveiled. Minecraft prompts players to venture into the unknown, to embrace curiosity, and to push the boundaries of their understanding. In this sense, the game reflects ToK notions of the human desire for knowledge, or curiosity and the importance of exploration in broadening our horizons. The core ToK theme of rationalism vs empiricism ie is knowledge created or discovered ? is implied in the structure of minecraft.

The wider ToK theme of the function of knowledge also finds its place within Minecraft. The game provides players with a sense of autonomy and freedom. This allows them to navigate and shape the virtual world according to their desires. This concept of agency and personal responsibility mirrors ToK ideas about free will vs determinism. Individuals are encouraged to take charge of their own lives, make choices, and find meaning in their existence. Minecraft reminds players that they have the power to shape their own narratives, both within the game and in their lives beyond it.

The evolution of knowledge.

Finally, Minecraft touches upon the ToK concepts of the evolution of knowledge and the consequent transient nature of current knowledge. In Minecraft structures can be built and destroyed, landscapes can be transformed, and the virtual world is in a constant state of flux. This mirrors ToK ideas about the temporary nature of current knowledge. Including the importance of thesis, antithesis and synthesis in the development of knowledge.


There are many ways in which Minecraft could be used as an object for reflection in the ToK Exhibition. If you are looking for help and ideas with your ToK Exhibition ToKToday has detailed explanations. We also have suggestions for objects for EVERY ToK Exhibition Prompt - link here.

Minecraft teaches players to appreciate the beauty of transience, to adapt to new circumstances, and to find value in the process rather than fixating on the end result. Similarly, ToK teaches us about the inherent beauty of knowledge construction, application and evolution.

Watch out for more posts on the link between ToK and computer games, music and movies.

Stay tok-tastic,
Daniel, Lisbon, May 2023


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