Overview Suggestions for Essay#3 May 24 on the Adoption of Fresh Ideas


Understand the Question's Key Concepts

1. Begin by understanding the term "exciting" in the context of the development of knowledge. Exclude everyday connotations, like amusement parks or rollercoasters, and focus on what is methodologically exciting for areas of knowledge.

Explore the Need for Verification

2. Discuss the inherent need for verification over time for new ideas. Mention how fresh ideas need to be verified rigorously, especially when livelihoods are based on a pre-existing paradigm.

Culture and Institutional Resistance

3. Consider the role culture plays in areas of knowledge. Highlight how certain forms of institutionalised knowledge, like universities, tend to preserve and replicate themselves in their existing form.

4. Use the term "culture" explicitly, as it is one of the 12 TOK concepts, to discuss the inherent inertia within academic or institutional settings. Discuss how areas of knowledge may be slow to evolve due to these institutional constraints.

Real-world Examples

5.. Bring in real-world examples for richer discussion. For instance, consider how Punk Rock initially faced resistance before becoming mainstream. Use this as an analogy to explain how areas of knowledge are often slow to adopt fresh ideas.

Discussion of Opposing Views

6. While discussing the slow adoption of new ideas, also consider and rebut the counterargument that areas of knowledge are not, in fact, slow to adopt fresh ideas.

Integrate TOK Concepts

7. Integrate TOK concepts like "knowledge frameworks," "verification," and "paradigms" to bolster arguments.

Explore Underlying Themes

8. End with an exploration of underlying themes like the evolution of knowledge, the dichotomy between validity and reliability, and how areas of knowledge balance these conflicting demands. 

By following these guidelines, you can aim for a well-rounded discussion that addresses the complexities involved in the adoption of fresh ideas in areas of knowledge.


If you want to know more for essay 3(or any of the other May 24 Essays), if you want detailed guidance notes then click here . These guidance notes give you knowledge arguments, counter arguments,  real world examples, evaluation points and implications.


Overview suggestions for Essay#2 May 24 on Reconciling Specialisation and Generalisation in Knowledge Production


What is the relationship between knowledge & culture?