Overview suggestions for Essay#2 May 24 on Reconciling Specialisation and Generalisation in Knowledge Production

These are a collection of possible suggestions.

  • You can’t do all of them.

  • You shouldn’t follow them as a “recipe”.

  • Pick and choose, accept and reject as best suits YOUR essay.


1. Clearly define the terms 'specialisation' and 'generalisation', probably within the knowledge arguments. The essay should explicitly communicate to the examiner what is meant by each term.

2. Discuss the assumption that specialisation and generalisation are in opposition. Examine whether this is a valid assumption or not.

Structure of Arguments:

1. Explore the role of inductive and deductive reasoning in the process of knowledge generation. Clarify how these reasoning types connect with specialisation and generalisation.

2. Examine the implications of specialisation and generalisation in different areas of knowledge. For instance, discuss their role in mathematics and one other area like human sciences or natural sciences.

 Focus on Specific Areas:

1. Discuss the importance of classification systems in human sciences. Explain how these systems allow for the movement from specialised to generalised knowledge.

2. Address the concepts of validity and reliability. Discuss how specialised knowledge tends to offer validity, whereas generalised knowledge aims for reliability. 

 Understanding Demands:

1. Contemplate the different demands that specialisation and generalisation impose on knowledge seekers. 

2. Evaluate the necessity of integrating specialised and generalised knowledge, arguing that the two are part of a continuum rather than being in binary opposition.

 Real-World Examples:

1. Use examples from various disciplines like psychology, economics, or geography to illustrate points about the competition between validity and reliability.

2. Mention historical instances like the paradigm shift from Miasma theory to Germ theory to underscore the interplay between specialised and generalised knowledge.


1. Summarise how specialised knowledge and generalised knowledge are not necessarily in opposition but are, in fact, mutually inclusive.

2. Discuss the concept of paradigm shifts as examples where a piece of specialised knowledge could significantly impact a generalised theory.

By following these guidelines, the essay should provide a comprehensive understanding of how specialisation and generalisation can be reconciled in the production of knowledge.


If you want to know more for essay 2 (or any of the other May 24 Essays), if you want detailed guidance notes then click here . These guidance notes give you knowledge arguments, counter arguments,  real world examples, evaluation points and implications.


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