Overview suggestions for writing ToK Essay 1 May 24 on Subjectivity in Arts and History

Overview suggestions for writing ToK Essay 1 May 24 on Subjectivity in Arts and History

These are a collection of possible suggestions.

  • You can’t do all of them.

  • You shouldn’t follow them as a “recipe”.

  • Pick and choose, accept and reject as best suits YOUR essay.

Understanding the question.

1. Begin by dissecting the essay title and understanding key terms like 'subjectivity'.

2. Identify the scope of the essay by noting that it requires a discussion focused on arts and history.

3. Examine the implications of phrases like 'unfairly condemned' to gauge the level of critique expected.

Defining Subjectivity

1. Challenge common preconceptions that arts are purely subjective while history aims for objectivity.

2. Introduce and explore the nuances that both fields have aspects of objectivity and subjectivity.

The Arts: Beyond Pure Subjectivity

1. Trace the historical evolution of the role of subjectivity in arts, especially in visual arts.

2. Discuss the impact of technology, like photography, on the emphasis of subjectivity in arts.

3. Examine objective frameworks in arts such as rules of composition, musical notation, and colour theory.

4. Explore cultural relativism by highlighting how arts in non-Western cultures may have different emphasis on objectivity and subjectivity.

History: More than Just Facts

1. Investigate how history has been interpreted through artistic lenses like literature, drama, and folklore.

2. Compare formal historical accounts with anecdotal, first-hand accounts to challenge the notion of objectivity.

3. Address the politicisation of history and how it brings in subjectivity.

4. Mention contemporary issues like the decolonisation of the curriculum and critical race theory as ways subjectivity plays into historical narratives.

Balancing Objectivity and Subjectivity

1. Contemplate the value of having both objective and subjective elements in arts and history.

2. Suggest that the two perspectives often complement each other, offering a fuller understanding of issues.

Concluding Thoughts

1. Recapitulate key arguments and insights.

2. Make a final judgement on whether subjectivity is overly celebrated in arts and unfairly condemned in history.

3. Provide future implications of this assessment, referencing ongoing societal and academic debates.

Extra Tips

1. Clearly signpost the essay's direction in the introduction.

2. Use contemporary and historical examples to support arguments.

3. Narrow the focus to avoid being overly broad or generic.

4. Be open to challenging conventional wisdom and preconceptions.

5. Consider how perceptions may have differed in different times or cultures to deepen the discussion on subjectivity.

Far more detailed notes to help you with your ToK Essay can be found in The ToK Today Essay Guidance Notes for Essay 1 May 24.

The Complete Guide click here

The Foundation Guide click here


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