ToK Subject Report "at glance".
My aim was to distill the May 22 ToK subject report down to only one page. I wanted to create the "Subject Report at a glance".
ToK Essay Activator Questions
A set of questions to help students to develop their arguments at the beginning of the ToK Essay writing process.
What makes some ToK Essay Questions more difficult ?
What makes an IB ToK Essay question difficult, or easy ? Why are some questions more difficult than others ?
Critical Thinking - how to teach it.
Kolb's Learning Cycle is the fundamental model that I use to plan ToK Lessons. It is an effective structure for developing critical thinking skills because it builds self reflection.
What is the ToK Mindset? and how do we create it?
If we can build understanding in 4 crucial areas for the ToK Mindset we will improve understanding, and grades, in ToK. The challenge is how we build that understanding.
Connecting ToK Concepts & Knowledge Issues- ToK lesson starter activity.
This starter activity is designed to:Help the students to learn the ToK Concepts.Help the students to develop their own definitions of the ToK Concepts.Link Hexagon Subjects with ToK.
What, no Knowledge Issues? (link to ToK Concepts?)
Are Knowledge Issues still relevant in the current IB Theory of Knowledge Course ?