Why are explanations difficult?

How can ToK help us to develop better explanations, and to understand the problems of verifying evidence?

How do processes of explanation help us to understand why unexplained phenomena exist ?


Millions of people read the books of Graham Hancock, and watch his videos on YouTube everyday. He writes about a wide range of unexplained phenomena that surround us. One way of understanding his work is that he highlights the weaknesses and flaws in the explanations that we have for these phenomena. ToK is about looking at the evidence required to establish something as known, and looking at what makes strong and weak explanations.

Therefore, I thought it would be valuable to look at some of Graham Hancock’s unexplained phenomena in terms of their ToK. Let’s just be clear Graham Hancock is providing us with real world examples of things that we may not have adequate explanations for, he is not the ToK itself, nor the ToK Expert.

Atlantis: A case of confirmation bias ?

Mr Hancock has written a lot about Atlantis, theorising that this mythical island may have been a real, advanced civilisation lost to history. In books like "Fingerprints of the Gods," he explores the idea that remnants of Atlantis might be found in existing ancient structures and myths, challenging mainstream archaeological views. He cites a range of evidence for the existence of Atlantis, including common archeological structures found across the globe, references to it in ancient texts, geological evidence and advanced mathematical and astronomical knowledge.

However, from a ToK point of view this evidence, and his theory could be interpreted through the lens of confirmation bias."

This is the idea that people often seek information that confirms their existing beliefs, dismissing data that does not fit. When information can be used to confirm a theory or pre-existing beliefs we can then label it as ‘evidence’. Confirmation bias is incredibly strong and influential across a range of Areas of Knowledge and disciplines, and makes the process of verification of unexplained phenomenon even more complicated."

The Lost Civilisation Hypothesis: The power of assumptions.

Let’s move on to look at another one of Graham Hancock's unexplained phenomena - this is often called the Lost Civilisation Hypothesis. This is the idea that there was an advanced, ancient society predating known history. He argues that this civilisation had sophisticated knowledge of astronomy, engineering, and mathematics, which can be seen in ancient monuments like the pyramids and Stonehenge. Hancock suggests that remnants of this lost culture are scattered across myths, texts, and archaeological sites, challenging the mainstream timeline of human advancement.

The challenge for archeologists, historians and ToKers trying to evaluate the claim of a lost civilisation is that our pre-existing knowledge, largely rooted in archaeology and history, suggests that advanced civilisations only emerged a few thousand years ago. This assumption underpins all subsequent assumptions about the evidence presented by Graham Hancock. All of our latest physical and human scientific knowledge says that the first advanced civilisation were the Sumerians, in Mesopotamia (modern day Iraq) about 4000 years ago. Because the aggregation of all the latest and best evidence tells us that the Sumerians were the first advanced civilisation it is very hard for us to neutrally consider Graham Hancock’s claim that advanced civilisations may have existed before that. Our belief in our latest science is just as strong as earlier civilisations beliefs in their origin stories. And just as we may now look at those earlier civilisations beliefs as being wrong, future thinkers may look at our scientific beliefs as being wrong, inaccurate or misguided.

It’s very difficult for us to verify Graham Hancock’s Lost Civilisation Hypothesis because we come to it with deeply ingrained assumptions about what is right and wrong. In many ways our very definition of what constitutes neutrality, impartiality and objectivity is informed by these assumptions. As such, it could be argued that it is virtually impossible for us to be impartial, neutral and objective analysts of evidence of lost civilisations because of our pre-existing assumptions of when civilisation began.

The Sphinx: accept the pre-existing knowledge base ?

Moving on to look at another of Graham Hancock’s interesting claims: the water erosion marks on the Sphinx in Giza Egypt. I include this because when I visited the Pyramids at Giza a few years ago I was a little underwhelmed by the Pyramids themselves, however I was blown away by the Sphinx, it was far bigger & more imposign than I had imagined, and just filled me with an amazing sense of wonder.

Graham Hancock’s theory of water erosion on the Sphinx challenges the traditional dating of the Sphinx.  He suggests that the erosion patterns on the Sphinx are consistent with prolonged water exposure, possibly from rainfall, rather than wind and sand. This could indicate that the Sphinx is much older than commonly believed, possibly dating back to a prehistoric era with a different climate, thus reshaping our understanding of ancient Egyptian civilisation.

The ToK implications of this theory are that the existing knowledge base of how and when the Sphinx was made may lack the scope needed to fully explain these unusual features. We know that developing cause and effect explanations is rather like putting together a jigsaw puzzle. When there are pieces missing from the puzzle the picture is incomplete, or possibly even inaccurate. In the case of the sphinx we’re not necessarily saying that Graham Hancock’s theory is correct, we are saying that our existing knowledge about the sphinx may be incorrect, and as such this complicates our efforts to verify the water erosion hypothesis."

Finally, let’s look at the nature of the very tools that we use for verifying, explaining and justifying the reliability and certainty of evidence, and the claims arising from that evidence. This example has a nifty little tie in between the knowledge content and the tools for analysis - a marriage of object & subject.

The validity of psychedelics: Are our schema, paradigm, or perspective wrong ?

Graham Hancock has explored the role of altered states of consciousness, often achieved through shamanic practices or substances like Ayahuasca, in understanding reality and acquiring knowledge. He argues that these altered states might offer insights into different dimensions or realms, challenging the scientific paradigm that dismisses such experiences as 'subjective' or 'unreal.' Hancock suggests that these states could be a neglected source of valid, transformative knowledge.

The challenge for ToK thinkers when assessing the quality of Hancock’s claim regarding altered states of consciousness is that the tool of assessment is also the object of assessment - that is the brain, or the mind. Our  paradigm or schema for assessment of the claim about the mind is the mind itself. The paradigm that we bring for such an assessment (be that rationalist philosophy, hypothetico deductive scientific methodology or something we call “good old common sense”) is determined by the paradigm within which our mind operates. Modern science often dismisses altered states as 'unreal' or 'subjective,' which could be absolutely accurate given the paradigm of modern science. Graham Hancock is arguing that other paradigms exist within which alternative knowledge is available. What’s difficult for us is to ascertain the validity of such a claim given that we are operating within this mindset.

Other links to commonly recurring ToK content includes:

  • Questions without answers.

  • The strength of evidence (like ToK Essay #6 M24).

  • Theories fitting evidence or evidence fitting theories ?

  • The labelling & categorisation of knowledge leading to the definition of that knowledge.

The challenges of developing and evaluating explanations is relevant to all of ToK, however it is of particular relevance to ToK Essays #3, #5 and #6 in the May 2024 session. If you want to know more about these essay titles you can pick up detailed guidance notes form the ToKToday shop.

Daniel, Lisbon, October 2023

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ToK Essay Guidance Notes: FAQs

I’ve been getting lots of questions about the ToKToday Essay Guidance notes, so I thought that it might be useful to put them together into a Frequently Asked Questions Blog / video. The video version of this blog can be found here.

At the end of this blog I will give you a joke about Essay #5 May 24 (Custodians).

FAQ #1: Are the notes cheating ?

No, the notes are not cheating, they are not a ready prepared written essay. They are more like a mini textbook for each essay title. The notes explain different approaches and different ideas that could come up in the essay. You can't just copy and paste the notes, they wouldn't make much sense like that. Think of them as being a textbook just like your ToK textbook from Oxford or pearson, you can even cite the notes in your bibliography. the notes should be used as a way to design and frame your knowledge arguments. You can even use the suggested real life examples from the notes. The important issue is that you're going to have to pick and choose selectively from the notes just like you would from a textbook. As such they're not cheating because you are having to reconstruct and synthesize ideas, as you would from any other secondary source.

FAQ #2: Will I get flagged for plagiarism if I use the notes ?

At the beginning of the notes I warn against copying and pasting the notes. I recommend that you rewrite the ideas in your own words, just like you would from a textbook. The notes are just a mini-textbook that has been written specifically for a single essay question. The notes are 8000-11000 words long, far too long to be copied & pasted into a 1600 word ToK Essay. If you rewrite the sections of notes that you choose in your own words you won’t get flagged for plagiarism. By using the notes you are merely reading ideas, reconstituting and synthesising those ideas into your own thoughts and knowledge arguments.

FAQ3: Can I use your knowledge arguments, but my own Real life examples ?

I get asked this question quite often. Of course you can use the Knowledge Arguments from the ToKToday notes, and use your own real life examples. You can use as little or as much of the ToKToday notes as you wish. The important thing is that you ensure that your real life examples demonstrate the knowledge argument that you are developing. 

FAQ #4: Are the ToK Essay Questions harder this year ?

It’s a matter of some debate, lots of ToK teachers have been discussing this across the networks and the forums. I made a video a few weeks ago: why some ToK Essay questions are easier than others. You can check that out for a more detailed analysis.

Personally I think that not having any quotes in the essay questions makes them a bit easier, students are less likely to be distracted from the knowledge argument by the quote . Secondly I think that essay titles 1 & 5 are are fairly straightforward. You don’t get more straightforward than Essay #5. Essays 3 & 4 are fairly normal in terms of difficulty. They’re the middle of the roaders that we get every year. Essay 2 may at first seem hard, but actually isn’t as hard as it first seems when you start to dig into it and think about it. Essay 6 I think is a tricky one, it has at least 3 propositional clauses in it, that’s a lot to deal with ! However, these are just my opinions, and you may have a very different understanding of the essay titles - and that’s why ToK is beautiful.

If you have questions about the ToK Essay Guidance Notes, or anything else, don't hesitate to contact me at Daniel@ToKToday.com. Alternatively use the FB Messenger Button on this page.

Ok, you’ve read this far so you deserve the Joke about Essay #5:

Q:Why did the teacher marry the janitor?

A: Because he swept her off her feet!

This is about essay #5 because in some parts of America the janitor is called the Custodian (Custodians of knowledge). However, in the UK the janitor is called the caretaker.., ok enough

Stay ToKtastic my friends!

Daniel, Lisbon, Oct 23

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Student Support, ToK Exhibition Daniel Trump Student Support, ToK Exhibition Daniel Trump

ToK Exhibition: What do we know in Oct 23?

Questions that frequently arise about the ToK Exhibition include:

  • Is it better for our objects to be personal?

  • How do we justify the inclusion of the object in the exhibition ?

  • and what's actually meant by evidence?

The best place to find definitive answers to these questions is in the TOK Subject Report. This is a report written by the TOK examiners after each exam session. It's great, it gives you the inside track on what you're actually supposed to do in the TOK exhibition (and essay). If you haven't seen it, ask your teacher for a copy. They can share it with you. The latest subject report has just come out, reporting on the May 23 exam session. What can it tell us about the ToK Exhibition ?

Q1: Do my objects have to personal to me ?

Well, let's look at what the subject report says. It says, "Examiners noted that when students choose objects that they are familiar with and interested in, they are more successful in exploring the aspects of knowledge that these objects reveal."

So the objects don't have to be personal to you, but they should be familiar to you. You should be familiar with them. Now, I read a great exhibition from Hong Kong last year. The student had used the bus that she took to school every day as one of her objects. Obviously, a bus is not personal to her. It's used by many people, but she's familiar with it. It has significance to her. It has TOK significance. And she can draw those TOK arguments out from it.

The subject report goes on to say (about the May 23 session) "Objects that were used ranged from personal to more general, and there was an interesting variety of objects. However, generic objects that were not specifically situated in time or place were challenging for students to explore successfully, as they led to generalised or sweeping assertions."

ToK Subject Report May 2023

So, we see that it's the significance of the TOK knowledge arguments that can be drawn from the object, which is more important, rather than its personal relevance to you.

Q2: "Does my exhibition have to be connected to a theme?"

Your Exhibition does not have to be connected to a them. However, it can be helpful, but it can also be harmful. This is what the subject report says about connecting your TOK exhibition to a theme:

"The guide strongly recommends that students select a theme to focus their exhibition. It was pleasing to see more students using the optional or core themes to guide their choices of objects, and this supported their links to and interpretation of the prompt.

Even so, examiners noted that some instances where the use of a theme narrowed the discussion or resulted in the repetition of the same idea across the commentaries will come back to this, and this was most evident when the themes of knowledge and religion or knowledge and technology were used."

ToK Subject Report May 2023

This is really interesting for us. They don't like it if you use the same knowledge arguments or the same knowledge point across all three objects. You've got to have different knowledge points for each object, and that will give you the higher marks. If you want to know more about this, check out all of the TOK exhibition content that I have on TOK today. You need three different knowledge arguments, one argument for each object. In some ways, the objects don't really matter. It's the knowledge arguments that you draw out for them. Okay, on to the next question.

Q3: How do I justify the inclusion of the object in the exhibition?

The subject report makes it really clear that this is the most important part of the exhibition. The chief examiner says:

"As the core of the task, justifying the contribution that the specific object makes to the exhibition requires the most attention." The subject report explains that the justification comes after linking the object to the prompt, and that the justification is, and I quote, "It's the next step in the exploration after the link. It is the stronger and more detailed explanation of the link between the object and the prompt." For that, the specific context that the object is needed. A generic object will not give any TOK arguments to talk about. The justification will discuss what it is about that that specific object in its time and place that is so interesting for the prompt."

ToK Subject Report May 2023

So here again, we've got a key thing that the specificity of the object, or whether it's personal to you or whether you're familiar with it, leads to the knowledge argument. So you can't just say, you know, "This is a football shirt." But if you say, "This is the football shirt that I was wearing when I realized that knowledge is made in collaboration with other people," then you're going to get some marks.

Q4: "What constitutes evidence?"

Okay, well, the subject report makes clear that evidence is required to support arguments and claims. It says, and I quote again,

"They," that's you students, "must not make unsupported claims. Evidence may take many forms. It may, for instance, come from external sources in their studies or beyond."

ToK Subject Report May 2023

Now, I actually think that the November 22 subject report is far clearer on what constitutes evidence. The November 22 subject report says,

"Evidence needs to be factual and not made up to suit the point." And there are many different ways to provide evidence, such as the details pulled from the objects themselves, connections between the object and something else, such as a study, a research study, documentary evidence, a news item, or an informed or expert opinion. How the evidence relates to the prompt must be clearly expressed and must be characterized as a genuine, ToK exploration".

ToK Subject Report Nov 2022

So generally, I advise students that a simple reference for a significant claim relating to their knowledge argument will suffice for evidence. Just cite a reference.


For more help, check out our free video series on how to do the TOK exhibition linked here

And for even more help, check out our full explanations of every ToK Exhibition Prompt.

Daniel, Lisbon, Oct 23

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The Most Recent Evidence Could Be Very Wrong (PT#6 May 24)

Barbara McClintock and the Tale of "Jumping Genes"

Anecdotally, the phrase "the most recent evidence is strongest" often guides our understanding. But what if the most recent evidence is actually wrong? This question could be discussed in ToK Essay 6, including the seminal work of geneticist Barbara McClintock and her discovery of "jumping genes," or transposons.

Challenging the Status Quo

In the mid-20th century, the prevailing genetic theory posited that genes were static entities, fixed in place on chromosomes. The most recent evidence, comprising years of research and experiments, strongly supported this theory. Into this orthodoxy stepped Barbara McClintock, equipped with her work on maize (corn) genetics. Her findings suggested something revolutionary—that genes could "jump" from one location to another on the chromosome.

Defying the Evidence

McClintock's research faced overwhelming scepticism. After all, the most recent evidence seemed to directly contradict her claims. She discovered that during the process of cell division, certain genes changed their position, thereby altering the cell's genetic instructions. This dynamic rearrangement, far removed from the static model, was not only groundbreaking but also counter to every piece of prevailing evidence in genetics at the time.

Vindication and a Nobel Prize

Initially, her work was so contrary to existing paradigms that it took decades for the scientific community to catch up. It wasn't until the 1970s and 1980s that more advanced technology and new forms of evidence verified her claims. In 1983, McClintock was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for her work on transposons, finally vindicating her years of isolated research.

Thoughts for ToK Essay 6

This story could be a useful real world example for ToK Essay 6. It reminds us that evidence is not a static concept. What is considered the "most recent evidence (strongest)" today could very well be discredited tomorrow. Barbara McClintock's journey demonstrates the scientific courage required to challenge prevailing evidence and push the boundaries of what we consider to be the most accurate knowledge.

Find out more about this essay title in the overview discussion with Gareth Stevens.

This is just a start of the type of overview that you can find in our ToK Essay 6 Guidance Notes, in these notes we cover the basics of the relationship between the recency of evidence and its strengths. We also look at some of the higher level arguments on the different types of evidence, and how this changes what we might define as its ‘strengths’. This year we have two versions of the notes: 


The Foundation Notes fully unpack the title, explore different ways to approach the concepts in the title, and explain a number of knowledge arguments that could be used. These notes are 4,000-5,000 words.

The Complete Guide has all of the same content as The Foundation Notes, and in addition has fully explained real life examples to illustrate each knowledge argument.The Complete Guide also has evaluation points and implications for each knowledge argument. These notes are 8,000-11,000 words.

You can find essay guidance notes for all of the essay titles at this link.

Stay Toktastic my friends,
Bangkok, September

Detailed guidance video for Essay #6 May 24

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Different Forms of Knowledge Have Different Forms of Evidence: Thinking about ToK Essay 6 

The concept that different forms of knowledge require different forms of evidence is an approach that could be explored in ToK Essay 6 May 24. IIt could be argued that knowledge and evidence are mutually inclusive concepts, albeit in complex ways.

As such, I thought it would be useful to look at a few different types, or forms, of knowledge, and the evidence from which they are constituted. 


Scientific Knowledge

Arguably the most rigorous in its demand for evidence, scientific knowledge hinges on empirical data produced by the scientific method. Through the scientific method—observation, hypothesis, experiment, and analysis—evidence is amassed and evaluated, allowing theories to be refined or refuted.

Artistic Knowledge

In many ways, artistic knowledge could present a nice contrast. It doesn't always rely on empirical evidence, but possibly on subjective experience and intuition. The evidence here is interpretative, assessed through the emotional and intellectual response of the audience.

Emotional Knowledge

In understanding ourselves and others, emotional intelligence plays a role that is difficult to quantify. Here, evidence often comes in the form of interpersonal experiences and self-reflection, far removed from empirical scrutiny but essential to our social fabric.

Physical Knowledge

Sports and physical activities bring forth another form of knowledge, one that is gained through practice and muscle memory. The evidence for this kind of knowledge is experiential and somatic; your body "knows" how to execute a specific move, guided by countless repetitions and incremental improvements.

Philosophical Knowledge

Lastly, philosophical knowledge stands out as it frequently relies on logical reasoning and dialectics. Its evidence takes shape in compelling arguments, rigorous debate, and the careful sifting of premises and conclusions.

The types of evidence required for different forms of knowledge can range from hard data to lived experience.  It may be useful to develop arguments along these lines when considering whether the recency of evidence influences its “strength” in ToK Essay 6.

Find out more about this essay title in the overview discussion with Gareth Stevens.

This is just a start of the type of overview that you can find in our ToK Essay 6 Guidance Notes, in these notes we cover the basics of the relationship between the recency of evidence and its strengths. We also look at some of the higher level arguments on the different types of evidence, and how this changes what we might define as its ‘strengths’. This year we have two versions of the notes: 


The Foundation Notes fully unpack the title, explore different ways to approach the concepts in the title, and explain a number of knowledge arguments that could be used. These notes are 4,000-5,000 words.

The Complete Guide has all of the same content as The Foundation Notes, and in addition has fully explained real life examples to illustrate each knowledge argument.The Complete Guide also has evaluation points and implications for each knowledge argument. These notes are 8,000-11,000 words.

You can find essay guidance notes for all of the essay titles at this link.

Stay Toktastic my friends,
Bangkok, September 2023

Detailed guidance video for ToK Essay 6 May 24

Overview thoughts with Gareth Stevens on ToK Essay 6 May 24

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Do We Need Knowledge, or Is Knowledge the Need? (PT 5 May 24)

When it comes to the role of custodians of knowledge, a key question we must ask is: What needs do these custodians fulfil? This leads us to a deeper, more complex question: Do we need knowledge, or is knowledge itself the need? This blog post starts to explore this question, focusing on the dual elements of need and custodians of knowledge. 

The Range of Needs Fulfilled by Knowledge

Knowledge serves a multitude of functions, and custodians of knowledge, arguably, play a key role in this dynamic. From solving tangible problems to making informed decisions, knowledge fulfils practical needs. Here, custodians of knowledge step in as protective stewards, managing, preserving, and disseminating this vital resource. But the need for knowledge extends beyond these pragmatic demands. Knowledge also meets abstract needs, such as emotional solace and existential fulfilment. When custodians of knowledge safeguard the collective wisdom of humanity, they are helping to fulifll a rich spectrum of human needs.

Knowledge as the Source of Needs

Interestingly, it’s possible that the need for knowledge might be born from knowledge itself. The more we learn, the more gaps we identify, perpetuating a cycle where the pursuit of knowledge generates new needs. Here, the role of custodians of knowledge becomes paradoxical. In fulfilling our need for knowledge, they may inadvertently create more needs that then require further custodianship.


So, do we need custodians of knowledge? Considering the dual nature of needs that knowledge fulfils and creates, the role of custodians of knowledge remains pivotal. Whether knowledge serves as a means to fulfil needs or as the originator of those very needs, custodians of knowledge continue to be indispensable figures. They navigate the complex interplay between the need for knowledge and the needs that knowledge itself can generate.

In sum, the relationship between need and knowledge is a nuanced one, made even more complex by the role of custodians of knowledge. As we further explore the need for knowledge and what needs custodians fulfil, we gain a deeper understanding of this intricate balance.

Find out more about this essay title in the overview discussion with Gareth Stevens.

This is just a start of the type of overview that you can find in our ToK Essay 5 Guidance Notes, in these notes we cover the basics on why we may, or may not, need custodians of knowledge. We also look at some of the higher level arguments on whether these needs could still be fulfilled without custodians of knowledge. This year we have two versions of the notes: 


The Foundation Notes fully unpack the title, explore different ways to approach the concepts in the title, and explain a number of knowledge arguments that could be used. These notes are 4,000-5,000 words.

The Complete Guide has all of the same content as The Foundation Notes, and in addition has fully explained real life examples to illustrate each knowledge argument.The Complete Guide also has evaluation points and implications for each knowledge argument. These notes are 8,000-11,000 words.

You can find essay guidance notes for all of the essay titles at this link.

Stay Toktastic my friends,
Bangkok, September 2023

Detailed guidance video for Essay 5 May 24

Initial overview thoughts with Gareth Stevens on Essay 5 May 24

Useful for ToK Essay 5 May 24

Useful for Essay 5 May 24

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Student Support, ToK Essay Daniel Trump Student Support, ToK Essay Daniel Trump

Is a Custodian a Good or Bad Thing? (PT5 May 24)

The term 'custodian' carries with it a range of possible implications, both positive and negative, particularly when applied to knowledge and knowing. ToK Essay 5 May 24 asks us to consider whether we need custodians of knowledge. Obviously, this question requires us to consider the nature of the role of custodians of knowledge.

In the most conventional sense, a custodian is someone responsible for the maintenance, preservation, and safeguarding of something valuable. This can be a vital function, especially in a world where information can be manipulated or lost. In academia and research, custodians ensure that valuable insights, methodologies, and data are not only preserved but are also made accessible for future generations. In this sense, being a custodian can be seen as inherently good, as they serve to protect and propagate understanding and wisdom.

However, the term also has other, alternative, meanings in English. 'Custody' might imply restriction or containment. In a legal framework, for instance, to be 'in custody' means to be held, often against one's will. Could this be a metaphor for withholding knowledge from those who seek it? There are instances where custodians become gatekeepers, limiting access to knowledge for various reasons — be it political, economical, or ethical. This restriction can stifle innovation, perpetuate inequality, and become a tool for oppression.

So, is being a custodian good or bad?  We could consider the metaphor in terms of a role with significant responsibility, the impact of a custodian largely depends on the ethics, intentions, and methods of the individual or institution defined as such. Students developing arguments for ToK Essay 5 on the need for custodians of knowledge may want to consider  that the term 'custodian' has a range of possible definitions. It can symbolise both the preserveration, limitation and maybe even the liberation of knowledge. 

Find out more about this essay title in the overview discussion with Gareth Stevens.

This is just a start of the type of overview that you can find in our ToK Essay 5 Guidance Notes, in these notes we cover the basics on why we may, or may not, need custodians of knowledge. We also look at some of the higher level arguments on whether these needs could still be fulfilled without custodians of knowledge.. This year we have two versions of the notes: 


The Foundation Notes fully unpack the title, explore different ways to approach the concepts in the title, and explain a number of knowledge arguments that could be used. These notes are 4,000-5,000 words.

The Complete Guide has all of the same content as The Foundation Notes, and in addition has fully explained real life examples to illustrate each knowledge argument.The Complete Guide also has evaluation points and implications for each knowledge argument. These notes are 8,000-11,000 words.

You can find essay guidance notes for all of the essay titles at this link.

Stay Toktastic my friends,
Bangkok, September 2023

Detailed guidance video ToK Essay 5 May 24

Overview thoughts with Gareth Stevens on ToK Essay 5 May 24

Useful for ToK Essay 5 May 24

Useful for ToK Essay 5 May 24

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Student Support, ToK Essay Daniel Trump Student Support, ToK Essay Daniel Trump

Is the Underestimator the Object or the Subject? (PT#4 May 24)

When thinking about ToK Essay question 4 ( "Why do we underestimate the challenges of the transfer of knowledge?"), I worried that students might focus on the challenges of knowledge transfer. However, the real crux of the question lies not in the challenges, but in the act of underestimating them. This (potentially knotty) twist leads me to consider who the 'object' and the 'subject' are in this question ? The keyword 'underestimate' serves as a pivot, compelling us to examine the act of underestimating and its possible underpinnings as it links to "ToK Essay 4".

Subject and Object.

A quick refresher:, the subject is usually the observer or the thinker, whilst the object is what is observed or thought about. The works of philosophers like Descartes and Kant have long grappled with the relationship between subjects and objects. Kant argued  that our knowledge of objects is shaped by our subjective experiences.


Who is Underestimating?

In the context of underestimating the challenges of knowledge transfer, the 'we'—or the subject—becomes central. The challenges, in this case, serve as the 'object'. The underestimation, then, is not an attribute of the object but a function of the subject. This human propensity to underestimate complicates the efforts to understand and manage the complex process of transferring knowledge from one context to another.

The Object of Our Underestimation

Our knowledge of any object is complex and perspective based, involving many variables from cultural to linguistic contexts. Yet, the act of underestimation stems from the subject, possibly owing to cognitive biases, limitations in understanding, or even arrogance. The question compels us to look inward and question why we, as subjects, often fail to fully grasp the complexity of the objects we engage with.


As students contemplating "ToK Essay 4" or anyone interested in the subject, understanding that the issue revolves around why 'we' underestimate the challenges rather than what those challenges are is the actual challenge ! It's not just about the difficulties in knowledge transfer; it's about our subjective tendency to underestimate them.

Find out more about this essay title in the overview discussion with Gareth Stevens.

This is just a start of the type of overview that you can find in our ToK Essay 4 Guidance Notes, in these notes we get into why we (as either object or subject) might underestimate the challenges of transferring knowledge from one context to another . This year we have two versions of the notes: 


The Foundation Notes fully unpack the title, explore different ways to approach the concepts in the title, and explain a number of knowledge arguments that could be used. These notes are 4,000-5,000 words.

The Complete Guide has all of the same content as The Foundation Notes, and in addition has fully explained real life examples to illustrate each knowledge argument.The Complete Guide also has evaluation points and implications for each knowledge argument. These notes are 8,000-11,000 words.

You can find essay guidance notes for all of the essay titles at this link.

Stay Toktastic my friends,
Bangkok, September 202

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Student Support, ToK Essay Daniel Trump Student Support, ToK Essay Daniel Trump

The Various Contexts of Knowledge

If you’re writing ToK Essay 4 May 24 (Knowledge Transfer) it may be useful to think critically about the term “context”. From the historical time period of knowledge production to the cultural values of the contemporary knower, the context of knowledge can significantly shape the interpretation, use, and validation of knowledge. In this blog, we'll explore the various contexts in which knowledge exists, making it a useful resource for those looking to tackle 'ToK Essay 4' or understand the challenges of  transferring knowledge from one context to another.

knowledge has many contexts

A few of the contexts within which knowledge may exist (there are many others): 

Historical Context

Historical time periods often influence the type of knowledge that gets produced and how it is interpreted. For instance, the scientific discoveries of the Enlightenment were profoundly shaped by the intellectual climate of the time, which was committed to reason and empirical observation.

Cultural Values

The cultural background of the knower affects how knowledge is acquired, internalised, and disseminated. Culture shapes what we deem important or trivial, affecting our lens for interpreting information. 

Power Context

Knowledge isn't just neutral; it is often shaped by power dynamics. Who has the authority to produce and disseminate knowledge? These questions are crucial in understanding the credibility and legitimacy of what we 'know.'

Gender Context

From the inclusion or exclusion of women in scientific research to gender biases in literature, the role of gender cannot be dismissed when discussing knowledge. Gender context often dictates the focus and methodology of knowledge production, affecting its application and interpretation.

Language Context

Language isn't just a medium for conveying knowledge; it shapes knowledge itself. The limitations and possibilities of language play a role in how ideas are formed, communicated, and understood.

Religious Context

Religious beliefs and values can significantly impact the type of knowledge that is accepted, rejected, or modified. In religious contexts, certain kinds of knowledge may be prioritised, while others may be disregarded or even condemned.


ToK Essay 4 asks us to consider why we underestimate the challenges of knowledge transfer. One of teh approaches to answering this is consider the complexities of the contexts of knowledge: the ways in which these various contexts mix, and further, influence what is known and how it is known.  For students grappling with 'ToK Essay 4,' developing these knowledge arguments can offer an approach to the reasons why we might (or might not) underestimate the challenges transferring knowledge from one context to another. Considering context provides a richer, more nuanced understanding of what we know and how we come to know it.

Find out more about this essay title in the overview discussion with Gareth Stevens.

This is just a start of the type of overview that you can find in our ToK Essay 4 Guidance Notes, in these notes we get into reasons why we might underestimate the challenges of knowledge transfer . This year we have two versions of the notes: 


The Foundation Notes fully unpack the title, explore different ways to approach the concepts in the title, and explain a number of knowledge arguments that could be used. These notes are 4,000-5,000 words.

The Complete Guide has all of the same content as The Foundation Notes, and in addition has fully explained real life examples to illustrate each knowledge argument.The Complete Guide also has evaluation points and implications for each knowledge argument. These notes are 8,000-11,000 words.

You can find essay guidance notes for all of the essay titles at this link.

Stay Toktastic my friends,
Bangkok, September 2023

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Student Support, ToK Essay Daniel Trump Student Support, ToK Essay Daniel Trump

The Slow and Fast Evolution of Knowledge

A Dual Perspective for ToK Essay 3 May 24

If we think of the term “adopt” in the title of ToK Essay 3 May 24 as “evolve” we can develop strong evaluative arguments for this essay.. Sometimes, knowledge seems to evolve (progress?) at an astonishing rate, while at other times, it appears remarkably slow to adopt new ideas. Why is this so?


Let’s first address why knowledge might evolve quickly. Rapid advances often occur when there's an accumulation of research, technology, and collective willpower. A clear recent example is the development of COVID-19 vaccines, where global efforts and unprecedented funding led to quick breakthroughs. Furthermore, the internet has facilitated the fast dissemination of ideas, allowing people across the world to collaborate and innovate at breakneck speeds. Here, the keyword is not just "fast" but "accelerated," underlining the confluence of various factors that propel knowledge forward.

Conversely, there are instances when knowledge is slow to adopt new frameworks. One reason could be resistance from established institutions or authorities. The classic ToK example is Galileo's heliocentric model which faced fierce opposition from the Church, slowing its acceptance despite strong scientific evidence. Another contributing factor might be the complexity of the subject matter itself. Take, for example, the intricacies of quantum mechanics; despite being a century-old theory, it still presents challenges that researchers are grappling with. 

In the context of ToK Essay 3, this duality raises important questions. What are the ethical implications of rapidly evolving knowledge? Can quick advances lead to unforeseen negative consequences? On the flip side, when knowledge is slow to adopt new ideas, is society missing out on potential benefits? Could the reluctance to change be more harmful in the long run?

ToK Essay 3 offers us a far wider range of knowledge options than just those presented here if we think of it in terms of the evolution of knowledge.

Find out more about this essay title in the overview discussion with Gareth Stevens.

This is just a start of the type of overview that you can find in our ToK Essay 3 Guidance Notes, in these notes we fully develop the metaphor of evolution as a way to explain why we might be slow to adopt ideas. This year we have two versions of the notes: 


The Foundation Notes fully unpack the title, explore different ways to approach the concepts in the title, and explain a number of knowledge arguments that could be used. These notes are 4,000-5,000 words.

The Complete Guide has all of the same content as The Foundation Notes, and in addition has fully explained real life examples to illustrate each knowledge argument.The Complete Guide also has evaluation points and implications for each knowledge argument. These notes are 8,000-11,000 words.

You can find essay guidance notes for all of the essay titles at this link.

Stay Toktastic my friends,
Bangkok, September 2023

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Student Support, ToK Essay Daniel Trump Student Support, ToK Essay Daniel Trump

Definitions of Fresh Ideas.

An Exploration for ToK Essay 3 May 24

Is a "fresh idea" simply new, or innovative, knowledge? Is there a hidden meaning that we have to discover? What could constitute a fresh idea? We’re considering this question for Theory of Knowledge (ToK) Essay 3. Clearly, "fresh ideas in knowledge" can be defined in myriad ways.

One approach to defining fresh ideas is through the lens of originality. In this perspective, a fresh idea is one that is novel, breaking new ground in a particular field. It might be a groundbreaking scientific theory or an innovative solution to a long-standing problem. This type of fresh idea can gain attention for its potential to redefine what we know or how we think about a subject.

However, fresh ideas are not solely confined to groundbreaking new knowledge, or discoveries. They can also mean  new combinations of existing knowledge. Take, for example, the interdisciplinary approach to solving complex problems. Here, elements from different domains are merged to create a new, more comprehensive understanding. These fresh ideas may not be 'new' in the strictest sense, but they offer a unique viewpoint, enhancing our collective wisdom.

We could also consider the cultural dimension of ‘fresh ideas’. What might be considered a fresh idea in one cultural context may not be perceived the same way in another. This adds another layer of perspective based knowledge to our definition. Opportunities for discussions on the relativity and contextual nature of fresh ideas in knowledge production become apparent.

We could argue that fresh ideas serve as catalysts in an evolving body of knowledge. Whether through sheer originality, the recombination of existing knowledge, or cultural interpretations, fresh ideas could be the means by which AoK develops and expand. As explored in ToK Essay 3, developing one or more of these varied definitions will be central to the discussion in the essay.

Find out more about this essay title in the overview discussion with Gareth Stevens.

This is just a start of the type of overview that you can find in our ToK Essay 3 Guidance Notes, in these notes we get into what the opposing demands might be for specialised and generalised knowledge, and how we could reconcile these demands . This year we have two versions of the notes: 

The Foundation Notes fully unpack the title, explore different ways to approach the concepts in the title, and explain a number of knowledge arguments that could be used. These notes are 4,000-5,000 words.

The Complete Guide has all of the same content as The Foundation Notes, and in addition has fully explained real life examples to illustrate each knowledge argument.The Complete Guide also has evaluation points and implications for each knowledge argument. These notes are 8,000-11,000 words.

You can find essay guidance notes for all of the essay titles at this link.

Stay Toktastic my friends,
Bangkok, September 2023

Detailed Guidance video for Essay 3 May 24

Initial overview thoughts with Gareth Stevens for Essay 3 May 24

Useful for Essay 3 May 24

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Student Support, ToK Essay Daniel Trump Student Support, ToK Essay Daniel Trump

What Could Be Meant by Generalization in Maths? 

Insights for ToK Essay 2

The idea of generalization in AoK mathematics has certainly become more conspicuous since Theory of Knowledge (ToK) Essay 2 was published a couple of weeks ago. So today, we look at what could be meant by "generalisation” (I’m going to use the British spelling because I’m British) in maths? In essence, generalisation in this discipline involves applying mathematical knowledge, initially developed to solve a specific problem, to a broader range of issues. It could also involve understanding new cause-and-effect relationships using mathematical concepts, or principles, derived from previously studied cause-and-effect relationships.


In ToK Essay 2, the notion of generalisation can give rise to discussion about the nature and scope of mathematical knowledge. Does generalisation in maths lead to more 'true' or 'universal' forms of understanding, as opposed to the limited scope offered by specialisation? What are the ethical considerations, if any, when applying generalised mathematical models to real-world scenarios?

Generalisation also plays a role in understanding newly observed cause-and-effect relationships. For instance, the principles behind the spread of disease could be mathematically modelled, drawing from prior models related to diffusion or information dissemination. By leveraging existing mathematical frameworks, researchers can quickly make sense of new phenomena, making generalisation a powerful tool for both scientific inquiry and problem-solving.

As such, we start to see that generalisation in maths serves as a bridge between specific mathematical problems and broader applications. It allows mathematicians (and scientists amongst others) to extrapolate from known situations to solve new, unexplored problems. In ToK Essay 2 you can discuss the challenges and limitations of this approach alongside the value of generalisation in expanding the scope and applicability of mathematical knowledge. It not only aids in the advancement of the field but also enhances our understanding of the world through the universality of mathematics.

Find out more about this essay title in the overview discussion with Gareth Stevens.

This is just a start of the type of overview that you can find in our ToK Essay 2 Guidance Notes, in these notes we get into what the opposing demands might be for specialised and generalised knowledge, and how we could reconcile these demands. This year we have two versions of the notes: 


The Foundation Notes fully unpack the title, explore different ways to approach the concepts in the title, and explain a number of knowledge arguments that could be used. These notes are 4,000-5,000 words.

The Complete Guide has all of the same content as The Foundation Notes, and in addition has fully explained real life examples to illustrate each knowledge argument.The Complete Guide also has evaluation points and implications for each knowledge argument. These notes are 8,000-11,000 words.

You can find essay guidance notes for all of the essay titles at this link.

Stay Toktastic my friends,
Bangkok, September 2023

Detailed guidance video for Essay #2 May 24

Initial overview thoughts with Gareth Stevens for Essay 2 May 24

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Student Support, ToK Essay Daniel Trump Student Support, ToK Essay Daniel Trump

What Could Be Meant by Specialization in Maths? 

A Deep Dive into Specialization for ToK Essay 2

Specialization in maths became a matter of interest to many after the publication of Theory of Knowledge (ToK) Essay 2 earlier this month. The concept of specialisation (I’m going to use the British spelling because I’m British) may conjure images of mathematicians buried in complex equations, but what does it really entail? In essence, specialisation in maths refers to the focus on developing specific mathematical tools and theories designed to solve particular types of problems or to advance particular subfields within mathematics.

Mathematics, as a discipline, is vast and multifaceted, covering everything from algebra and geometry to calculus and statistics. Each of these subfields can be considered a form of specialisation in maths, where experts dive deeply into specific areas to expand knowledge and solve complex problems. For example, a statistician might focus solely on the development of predictive models, while a number theorist could be engrossed in the properties and relationships of numbers in various forms.


In ToK Essay 2 discussions, specialisation in maths raises questions about the nature of knowledge itself. Does specialising in a specific area limit a mathematician's perspective, or does it offer a deeper understanding that can be generalised to other fields? Is the specialised knowledge generated 'better' or 'more valuable' than more general mathematical knowledge?

Clearly specialisation in maths is a complex and layered topic. It could mean a focused study in one of the many subfields of mathematics, or it could refer to the development of specialised tools for particular applications. What's clear is that specialisation enables mathematicians to dig deep, solve complex problems, and contribute to our understanding of both the mathematical world and the world at large. As explored in ToK Essay 2, the implications of this specialisation can have profound effects on how we understand and value knowledge in AoK Maths.

Find out more about this essay title in the overview discussion with Gareth Stevens.

This is just a start of the type of overview that you can find in our ToK Essay 2 Guidance Notes, in these notes we get into what the opposing demands might be for specialised and generalised knowledge, and how we could reconcile these demands . This year we have two versions of the notes: 


The Foundation Notes fully unpack the title, explore different ways to approach the concepts in the title, and explain a number of knowledge arguments that could be used. These notes are 4,000-5,000 words.

The Complete Guide has all of the same content as The Foundation Notes, and in addition has fully explained real life examples to illustrate each knowledge argument.The Complete Guide also has evaluation points and implications for each knowledge argument. These notes are 8,000-11,000 words.

You can find essay guidance notes for all of the essay titles at this link.

Stay Toktastic my friends,
Bangkok, Sept 2023

Detailed guidance video for Essay 2 May 24

Initial overview thoughts with Gareth Stevens for Essay 2 May 24

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Student Support, ToK Essay Daniel Trump Student Support, ToK Essay Daniel Trump

Subjectivity in History: 

A Valuable Lens for ToK Essay 1 Discussions

The role of subjectivity in historical knowledge is contentious both in academic history and in Theory of Knowledge (ToK) debates. Positivists argue that history should be an objective recounting of events, free from the subjective viewpoints of individuals. Those taking such a perspective may (unfairly) condemn subjectivity in history. This blogpost proposes that subjectivity could be a good thing, enriching our understanding of the past by capturing the everyday experiences of the people who lived it.

In traditional (positivist) historical narratives, the focus has often been on significant events, political manoeuvres, or extraordinary individuals. While these certainly have value, they fail to provide a comprehensive understanding of historical realities. More importantly, they leave out the daily experiences of ordinary people, which are, by nature, subjective. These experiences form the fabric of social memory and give depth to historical knowledge

Integrating subjectivity into historical accounts can humanise history. For instance, diaries, letters, and oral traditions provide subjective viewpoints that allow us to empathise with individuals from different times and places. The knowledge arising from these subjective accounts contributes to arguments for ToK Essay 1, inviting us to scrutinise the complex perspectives comprising historical knowledge, and its formation. It challenges the notion that history should be a sterile, objective discipline, asking instead whether the subjective experiences of individuals offer valuable insights that can complement 'hard facts.'

Subjectivity in history can be a vehicle for inclusivity. Historical events have affected different communities in various ways, and subjective accounts can help in exploring these nuances. For example, understanding the Civil Rights Movement isn't complete without the personal stories of those who fought for their rights or suffered from injustices. These subjective narratives can add depth to our understanding, complicating the otherwise simplified mainstream accounts.

In conclusion, whilst objectivity has its merits, subjectivity should not be hastily condemned in historical knowledge. Subjectivity offers an emotional and human dimension that objectivity often lacks, filling in the gaps of our collective memory. The discussions developed in ToK Essay 1 could suggest embracing a more holistic, nuanced view of history. The subjective content enriches our understanding and makes historical knowledge more inclusive.

Find out more about this essay title in the overview discussion with Gareth Stevens.This is just a start of the type of overview that you can find in our ToK Essay Guidance notes for Essay 1. This year we have two versions of the notes:


The Foundation Notes fully unpack the title, explore different ways to approach the concepts in the title, and explain a number of knowledge arguments that could be used. These notes are 4,000-5,000 words.

The Complete Guide has all of the same content as The Foundation Notes, and in addition has fully explained real life examples to illustrate each knowledge argument.The Complete Guide also has evaluation points and implications for each knowledge argument. These notes are 8,000-11,000 words.

You can find essay guidance notes for all of the essay titles at this link.

Stay Toktastic my friends,
Bangkok, Sept 2023

Detailed guidance video on ToK Essay 1 May 24

Initial thoughts with Gareth Stevens on ToK Essay 1 May 24

Exploring the tension between reliability and validity in AoK History

Can History be "true"?

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Student Support, ToK Essay Daniel Trump Student Support, ToK Essay Daniel Trump

Is Art Really Subjective?

Exploring the Dynamics of Subjectivity in ToK Essay 1

The question of whether we overly celebrate subjectivity in art is a  rephrasing of the classic objectivity vs subjectivity debate in Theory of Knowledge (ToK). On the one hand, art is often celebrated for its subjectivity, a form of knowledge in which individual interpretation apparently dominates. But do we overly celebrate subjectivity in the arts, ignoring the technical and structural frameworks that guide artistic creation?


Art, encompassing visual arts, music, theatre, literature, film, and dance, often relies on underlying structures. For instance, colour theory in visual arts provides guidelines on how colours interact and affect human perception. Similarly, musical notation sets the rules for how musical pieces should be played, offering a more 'objective' basis for evaluating the work. These structural elements suggest that art is not entirely subjective; it operates within set frameworks that have been studied, refined, and generally agreed upon.

However, the role of subjectivity cannot be entirely discounted. Take, for instance, abstract art. Here, the artist might defy traditional colour theory to evoke specific emotions or thoughts. The viewer's personal experience and interpretation then become part of the art itself. Subjectivity also extends to other art forms. In literature, the reader's interpretation can add layers of meaning that even the author might not have intended. In dance and theatre, the audience's emotional and intellectual engagement affects the perceived quality and impact of the performance.

The complexity of this relationship between structure and subjectivity highlights the multi-dimensional nature of art. While it is tempting to compartmentalise art as purely subjective or objective, doing so limits our understanding and appreciation of its richness. In ToK Essay 1 discussions, it's crucial to acknowledge that subjectivity and objectivity co-exist in artistic knowledge. Whilst we may celebrate the subjectivity that makes art resonate on a personal level, acknowledging the structural underpinnings can offer a more holistic view, providing a more nuanced answer to this classic ToK question.

Find out more about this essay title in the overview discussion with Gareth Stevens.

This is just a start of the type of overview that you can find in our ToK Essay Guidance notes for Essay 1. This year we have two versions of the notes: 


The Foundation Notes fully unpack the title, explore different ways to approach the concepts in the title, and explain a number of knowledge arguments that could be used. These notes are 4,000-5,000 words.

The Complete Guide has all of the same content as The Foundation Notes, and in addition has fully explained real life examples to illustrate each knowledge argument.The Complete Guide also has evaluation points and implications for each knowledge argument. These notes are 8,000-11,000 words.

You can find essay guidance notes for all of the essay titles at this link.

Stay Toktastic my friends,
Bangkok, Sept 2023

Detailed Guidance Video on Essay #1 May 24

Initial overview thoughts with Gareth Stevens on Essay 1 May 24

Exploring the tension between reliability and validity in AoK History

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Student Support, ToK Essay Daniel Trump Student Support, ToK Essay Daniel Trump

May 24 ToK Essay Guides: Published

ToK Essay Guides May 24

Today we have published the ToK Essay Guides for May 2024 ToK Essay Titles. Click here to purchase.

New for May 24: Foundation Notes and Complete Guides

During the last two exam sessions some students have given us feedback that the notes were too long, they said that they just wanted 'the key essentials'. However, other students have told us that they really appreciated the details in the TokToday Essay Notes. So, this year we have produced two versions of notes for each essay: The Foundation Notes and The Complete Guides.

The Difference between Foundation Notes, and The Complete Guide.

The Foundation Notes fully unpack the title, explore different ways to approach the concepts in the title, and explain a number of knowledge arguments that could be used. These notes are 4,000-5,000 words.

The Complete Guide has all of the same content as The Foundation Notes, and in addition has fully explained real life examples to illustrate each knowledge argument.The Complete Guide also has evaluation points and implications for each knowledge argument. These notes are 8,000-11,000 words.

More content to come.

In the next couple of weeks we will publish the video guides for each essay title, and have specialised blogposts on concepts and themes in each title. The video guides will be more specific versions of the overview videos with Gareth Stevens. There is also supplementary content on the ToKToday YouTube Channel (more to come soon !)

If you have any suggestions, or feedback on the essay titles, or essay guides, I'd love to hear it.

Bangkok, September 2023

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Can history ever be both reliable AND valid ?


Whether it is possible to produce historical knowledge which is both reliable and valid was explored in my holiday reading this year. I read the book Upheaval, How Nations Cope with Crisis and Change by Jared Diamond. You may know Jared Diamond, he's the guy who wrote Guns, Germs and Steel. It's a very popular TOK book that many teachers, students, and interested people have read.

This is his second follow-up book, Upheaval. In this blog will not be going into his findings, and what he actually says about how nations cope with crisis and change. That's not really TOK, that's history or global politics. But this book is really interesting for us to understand how historical knowledge is made and how conclusions are reached when we're making historical knowledge. It is of particular relevance to solving the challenge of whether history can be both reliable and valid.

The challenge of history for historians.

Historians have some key questions to answer when creating historical knowledge:

First of all is the idea of can you establish history which is both valid and reliable. Valid means that it's an accurate description or explanation of that particular moment, or that particular event or time in history. Reliable means the conclusions that we can draw from that historical event apply in other situations. As such, if the knowledge is reliable we will be able to generalise it to other historical events.

Students often write in their TOK essays that the function of history is to learn from it so that we don't repeat the same mistakes in the future. Now whether that actually is the function of history is immaterial for this blog. But what that supposes is that the things that we learned from an earlier period could also apply in / to other periods. As such, history would have to be both valid and reliable.

Jared Diamond is a professor at UCLA, he trained as a biologist and physician. His initial training was in AOK Natural Sciences. However now he's moved more into social sciences, human sciences and history in explaining and describing human behaviour. This initial training informs his understanding of, and approaches to, methodology.

A historian explains, and justifies, his methodology

The prologue of this book is really interesting for ToK students as Prof Diamond writes about the methodology used to write the book. He explains that ideally he would use quantitative methods to establish reliable cause and effect relationships. That means he would build mathematical models, statistical models , into which he would pump lots of data, and that data would give him mathematical and statistical outcomes from which he could establish cause and effect variables.

Those statistical outcomes tend to be highly reliable, sometimes valid and sometimes less valid. Generally most ToK. students (and most people in general) prefer statistical outcomes. For example: If you're getting on a plane, you may ask is this plane safe? If someone says it's safe most of the time, well you want to know what does "most of the time" mean? What's the danger to me? And the best answer, the one which would satisfy you the most is a statistical answer. So if you were told "the plane is safe 51% of the time, 49% of the time it's not safe", then you're probably not going to get on the plane. If they say "well in testing it's safe 99.975% of the time" then you're probably going to get on the plane with a little knot in your stomach.

The challenge of quantitative methodologies in AoK History

We like statistics, we like knowledge that is characterised as a "scientific fact". However, how do we prove scientific facts in ? How can we arrive at conclusive causal facts in history? Prof Diamond explains that he would like to use quantitative methodologies to answer the research question of the book, but then he explains that it's really difficult to establish quantitative cause & effect relationships when you're answering the question "How do nations cope with crisis and change? ".

Trying to make history that is both reliable and valid.

It's really difficult to use quantitative methodologies for many reasons, incl:

  • there are so many different nations that you could consider.

  • there are so many instances of crisis and change in those nations that you could consider.

  • How do you even build a representative sample of nations and the crises and changes that they've gone through?

  • How do you operationalise variables such as crisis and change ?

  • How do we hold some of variables constant and manipulate others to see the effect on the dependent variable, i.e. coping with crisis and change ?

  • How do we establish control conditions ?

It's very difficult to apply a reliable quantitative methodological framework to a quarter of a million years of human existence ? History relies on historical evidence, such evidence is subject to selection and interpretation biases that are far less prevalent and powerful in the Human and Natural Sciences. In many ways it is far more challenging to establish reliable historic knowledge than it is to establish reliable scientific knowledge.

Prof Diamond's solution to the challenge of reliability in history.

Prof Diamond's solution to the challenge of establishing reliable historical knowledge is that he chooses just seven countries, and looks at particular instances of crisis and change in those seven countries. He chooses countries that he's lived in and that he has a lot of experience with. He also speaks the language of most of those seven countries. As such, he's chosen countries that he has a deep knowledge of. Having deep knowledge of something, or accurate knowledge of something is having valid knowledge. So, in the prologue of this book, he's saying that he is establishing reliability through the use of validity. And that's really interesting for people when they're writing about AOK history.

So if you are discussing AOK history in your TOK exhibition or your TOK essay, probably more in the TOK essay this would apply to and you're wrangling with that idea of how historians establish reliability when they're discussing cause and effect. Well, here's a real life situation that you could cite. Jared Diamond's book, Upheaval How Nations cope with crisis and change.

Context relevant variable identification in historical knowledge.

Prof Diamond takes the instances of crisis and change in those seven countries and the looks at the vast range of variables which affect those crises and changes.

Some of those variables include pre-existing conditions, changes in the global conditions and global dynamics, changes in the geopolitics globally, the historical cultural antecedents, the historical cultural context, and the global historical context of those nations. It could also include the individual actors at their moments of crises and change, the aims of those actors etc. There are just so many variables involved and they're different for each nation and they're different in each instance of crisis and change in that nation. Prof Diamond puts all of those variables together to try to establish a high level of validity. Clearly the conclusions reached are from one commentator's perspective despite drawing upon a vast range of evidence to build this highly valid picture, As such, it is recognised that this highly valid picture may not be entirely valid, but it may be the best that we can can do given current methods and technology. But maybe it's only reliable for that nation and in that instance, maybe it is of limited generalisability.

I hope that that's given you some ideas if you're writing about AOK history and the challenge of establishing knowledge that is both valid and reliable in historiography. In a future blog we will explore the differences between a narrative historical explanation and a statistical methodological historical explanation (e.g economic history).

We have lots of resources to help ToK Students with the ToK Essay and ToK Exhibition. For example we have exemplar exhibitions, videos on how to how to do your TOK exhibition. For the ToK Essay we've got explanations of the essay prompts, a video series on how to do the TOK essay. And we've got lots of notes that can help you to avoid the biggest mistakes in the TOK essay. You can start exploring here.

You can get in touch with me, daniel@toktoday.com. I always welcome suggestions on how to improve the site, improve the resources and to produce new resources.

Daniel, Bangkok, September 2023

Can History be "true"?

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Uncategorized Daniel Trump Uncategorized Daniel Trump

Can CAS & EE help me to get into Uni ?

Many students have asked me whether CAS (Creativity, Action and Service), and EE (Extended Essay) are useful for getting into university. Today, on the YouTube Channel we were fortunate to have Magda from Unifymecounselling.com to help us to answer this question. To watch the video please click here.

Magda has already worked with ToKToday, to watch the previous video with her (How can ToK help my Uni application ?) click here, or read the blog post at this link.

The main points from the discussion on CAS / EE & Uni applications:

Q1: Can Extended Essay help me with my uni / higher education application?

  • Extended Essay can significantly benefit higher education applications, demonstrating university-level research skills and subject-specific knowledge.

  • Similar to the UK's EPQ, the Extended Essay showcases self-initiated, subject-focused work, enhancing university applications.

  • While not mandatory, doing the Extended Essay in a higher-level subject is recommended, allowing for in-depth exploration and knowledge expansion.

  • Extended Essay achievements can be highlighted in UK applications, CVs, and motivational letters, emphasizing academic preparation and potential.

Q2 - Do you have any tips for students aspiring to a high grade in EE ?

  • Choose a research topic that genuinely interests you, focusing on inner curiosity and enjoyment.

  • Apply the 80-20 rule, emphasizing 80% research and 20% writing; thorough research forms the core of a successful extended essay.

  • Start by immersing yourself in extensive research to become an expert in the topic, enabling better argumentation and exploration of various perspectives.

  • Pay close attention to details, including formatting, page numbers, and writing a valuable reflection, as these aspects contribute significantly to the overall quality.

  • Utilize resources like JSTOR if available in your school for comprehensive research.

  • Maintain open communication with your assigned supervisor, seeking guidance and building a collaborative relationship for effective support.

Q3 - What is the value of CAS for an HE application ?

  • CAS is a crucial part of the IB core, often undervalued due to its lack of exams, leading some to want to complete it quickly.

  • CAS is highly valuable for higher education applications, especially in competitive scenarios, as it showcases well-roundedness, impact on communities, and development of key skills.

  • Combining creativity, action, and service offers a unique chance to initiate and expand projects, demonstrating leadership qualities and making a positive impact.

  • Students have been accepted into universities based on their extracurricular activities despite lower academic scores, emphasizing the significance of CAS in university admissions

If you want to contact Magda for help with uni applications, educational decisions, counselling support her email is Magda@Unifymecounselling.com

Magda's other social media contacts are in the slide above / left.

We are starting to look at wider DP issues than solely just ToK this year. If you have questions, or suggestions for other topics that we could cover, please leave them in the comments section below.

Stay Toktastic my friends,
Daniel, Bangkok, Sept 2023

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Parents, Student Support Daniel Trump Parents, Student Support Daniel Trump

The 4 Secrets of Successful IB DP Students

For some students the IB Diploma doesn't seem to pose much of a challenge. It seems to be not particularly challenging for them. For other students the IB Diploma is a big challenge. It can cause stress, it can cause a lot of trouble, it seems to be a lot of work for them. What 4 things do (nearly) all successful IBDP students share ?

What are the differences between DP students who get high scores, and those who get low scores ?

I thought it would be useful to look at what the differences between students who find the DP fairly straightforward and other students who find the DP very challenging. Maybe, we could think of this as looking at the differences between those students who get high scores and those students who get the lowest scores.

Am I qualified to comment on this ?

I was an IB Diploma Coordinator for 15 years in two large IB schools.I have worked with, and looked after, a lot of IB Diploma students. I've seen a lot of students go through this programme (approximately 2,000 DP students).

And I think that most people have got the wrong idea about what leads to success in the IB Diploma. So today we're going to look at four secret weapons of successful IB students.

Secret #4: Organisation

Okay, Organisation isn't much of a secret, but it's foundational, so I have to include it. In organisation we also include study skills and study management, and all of those AtL type things. You've got to be organised in the DP course. You've got to work backwards from deadlines to make sure that you meet the deadlines, there are a lot of individual assignments that need submitting, keeping on top of those submission dates is key. As such, there's a lot of learning to do. It is taxing from that point of view, but it's entirely manageable with some proper organisation.

So using Google Calendar, or some other electronic management system, will help you to hit those deadlines when they're coming up. Working backwards from the deadlines using those electronic tools is absolutely crucial. Making sure that you've got the right study skills and the right study habits so that you don't have to keep going back over work and keep having to redo it is key. A sort of one touch approach is what I would call it. And if you can do those things then you will stay well organised, and you're going to get through the learning that's required. Most importantly you're going to make the most of the learning opportunities.

Everyone goes on about study skills. I have it as number four on my list because I think there are three more important things than just organisation and study skills.

Secret#3: Teamwork skills

You are doing this diploma with other students. You're doing this diploma in classes with all of your peers. The cumulative power of all of your skills and your knowledge and your effort is greater than any individual's power. The total power is greater than all the individuals added together. The learning capacity of the functional group is synergistic. So teamwork is absolutely crucial on the IB diploma.

You need to make use of all of the other people who are in the class who are working with you. You need to draw upon each other's relative skills. Some people have got skills in one area, other people have got skills in another area. Put them together and boom, you have magic! So teamwork skills is absolutely crucial. And in good IB schools, the teachers will be designing learning so that you're building those teamwork skills and you're building the teams in your classes as you go along.

Secret#2: Communication skills

As an IB diploma student, your communication skills are crucial for a number of reasons:

Number one, you have to communicate with lots of different people. You've got to communicate with the examiners in written and oral form in the exams. You have to communicate with the other students. But most crucially, you have to communicate with your teachers. And this is why as an IBDP coordinator, I used to find that the students who were successful were the ones who were able to communicate with their teachers. They were able to explain to their teachers what they understood and what they didn't understand. They were able to explain to their teachers when they were able to meet deadlines and when they weren't able to meet deadlines, and why they sometimes were not able to meet deadlines. They were able to explain to their teachers what they needed from learning, they could help heir teachers to provide them with the type of learning that they did well in. Successful students also needed to communicate with their parents, describing what they needed in their lives, in their home life and so on and so on. So, communication skills are really key, and they don't just come naturally. It's something that you have to practice. It's something that I'm practicing now. It's something I've been practicing all of my life. Being able to work out in a systematic and clear way what it is you're trying to say and then being able to say it in a calm and measured way is a really crucial skill.

Secret #1: Knowledge of Self, incl Emotional Intelligence.

The most important secret to success for the IBDP student is knowledge of self. It's emotional self knowledge, and what's often called Emotional Intelligence. This is being able to understand your own emotions, being able to communicate those emotions to others, being able to understand the causes of those emotions and being able to understand other people's emotions. Further it is the capability to communicate other people's emotions, and to understand the causes of other people's emotions.

Why is emotional intelligence so important ?

Well, as you go through the course, you're gonna be experiencing lots of different emotions. Sometimes really, really great when you're getting good marks, you're achieving, or you're finding awe and wonder and inspiration in your learning. And then sometimes you may feel lower, much lower even, Maybe you feel disappointment or frustration when you're being tested, or when there's a lot of work to do. Sometimes you may feel low when you don't quite understand what the teachers want you to understand. Being able to recognise these emotional changes, and understanding the causes of these emotional changes, is really key to helping yourself to feel better.

Secondly, once you're able to recognise these emotional changes and you're able to label them, then you're able to have greater control over them. And once you've got more control over them, then you're going to be more stable. You can adjust your emotional state so that it fits with your learning needs and it fits with whatever's going on at that point in the course. And that's how you start to get a control over things like anxiety and stress and so on and so on. I often find that people think that just working harder or working more is gonna help them to achieve better and therefore they'll then experience less stress or less anxiety. And that's not the case. I think that working harder and working more often makes the student more anxious because they're more tired and they don't necessarily have the attainment or the achievement that they think they were gonna get. And yeah, and it just makes it harder for them. So my recommendation is don't just work harder on your subject work, but work harder on yourself. Try to get a better understanding of self so that you can get a better understanding of those emotions, which then mean that you don't feel so stressed and anxious, which then means that you learn better and you don't have to work as hard. In fact, you can work less hard on the subject if you work more hard on yourself type thing. You get my idea.

So there we have it. My four secret weapons for the IB Diploma student. My four secret weapons for success in the IB Diploma.

I hope that you found this post useful. Are you interested in this wider IBDP type content rather than just TOK content? Are you interested in ways in which you can achieve and think about the IB Diploma? Please let me know in the comments.

Daniel, Bangkok, Sept 2023

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Student Support, Teacher Support, ToK Essay Daniel Trump Student Support, Teacher Support, ToK Essay Daniel Trump

First thoughts on ToK Essay 4 -6 May 24

The ToK Essays for May 24 candidates were published a little over a week ago. I got together with experienced ToK teacher, and ToK guru, Gareth Stevens to get an overview of the main themes and concepts in ToK Essay 4-6 May 24.

These videos are not the detailed TokToday Essay Breakdown videos for each title, they will be published at the beginning of October.

The blog post & videos for Essays 1-3 can be found here.

These videos are short and reflective, and they're fairly unstructured. They're just a record of a discussion between two experienced ToK teachers about their initial thoughts on the ToK Essay May 24 titles. I decided to publish them because they may be useful for ToK teachers and students alike who are tackling the May 24 ToK Essay.

Videos on ToK Essays 4-6 May 24 (just first thoughts)

The 'first thoughts videos for Essays 4-6 are linked below. The main essay breakdown videos will come in early October.

PT#4: Transfer of knowledge

PT#5: Custodians

PT#6: Recent Evidence

Please like & subscribe on YouTube to help the channel, and to stay up to date with all of the latest content.

How to Write the ToK Essay in 6 Easy Steps


The ebook "Write the ToK Essay in 6 easy steps" was used by hundreds of students across the world to successfully complete their ToK Essay in 2022-23.

It can help you every step of the way so that you can ace your ToK Essay.

Other help available for ToK Essay May 24

Final thoughts.

I was slightly hesitant about posting these videos. Whilst Gareth & I raise many of the relevant issues for students writing ToK Essay May 24, they are not the structured & clear content that will be in the main breakdown videos (make sure that you come back for those videos in early October). However, I hope that they will be useful for some teachers and students. I really enjoyed these discussions with Gareth, I hope that you do too!

If you have any questions, or suggestions for content, I'd love to hear from you: Daniel@TokToday.com.

Stay TokTastic my friends!
Daniel, Bangkok, Sept 2023

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